Recent content by Vaima Laure

  1. Vaima Laure

    Open Chronicles To Create is Divine. (Valenntenia)

    Despite the overwhelming sense of dread wafting up from the corpse-infested waters surrounding them, Vaima had enough free headspace left to feel peeved at Mabbon's warning. She wasn't stupid- it was pretty obvious the path half destroyed by a tidal wave would be unstable. It was surrounded by...
  2. Vaima Laure

    Fable - Ask Reconnection and Retreat

    Marco? Vaima didn't know a Marco, did she? Hopefully it wasn't one of the Guardians' names. She didn't know them very well, but surely her knowledge wasn't that lacking. Vaima squinted briefly in confusion, then glanced behind her to make sure there wasn't a Marco floating out of sight. She...
  3. Vaima Laure

    Fable - Ask Reconnection and Retreat

    Vaima considered trying to stop the splash coming towards her, but opted not to. There wasn't much of a reason for it when you were already soaking wet, and she was getting a bit tired. This was supposed to be a relaxing retreat, after all. Relaxation was sorely needed. Her latest assignment in...
  4. Vaima Laure

    Fable - Ask Reconnection and Retreat

    Vaima looked up at the red-headed menace floating overhead, silently crossing her arms and frowning. Then, without warning, she suddenly sent the icy sphere of water rocketing upwards, trying to drench Ayden. Compared to her current capabilities, it was actually rather impressive. Speed and...
  5. Vaima Laure

    Open Chronicles To Create is Divine. (Valenntenia)

    Vaima tried, and failed, to smile back. Rovias's assumption that she had more talent than he was perhaps a bit dubious. She was entirely untested outside of training exercises, and this was a rough first exam. A trial by fire, ironically. She wasn't about to let him know that, however. Best to...
  6. Vaima Laure

    Fable - Ask Reconnection and Retreat

    Despite her best efforts to hide it, Vaima's cheeks reddened slightly when she noticed Ingrid sitting nearby. She'd probably seen her embarrassing failed attempt to dry herself off. It seemed like everyone else- even Ayden- had already managed to master their runestones. The more subtle aspects...
  7. Vaima Laure

    Fable - Ask Reconnection and Retreat

    A sudden gust of wind appeared, battering against her orb of water. Immediately, she lost her tenuous control, and it fell to the ground. She looked sadly at the newly-formed puddle in defeat, but her expression morphed into annoyance when she heard familiar laughter on the air. "Not again...
  8. Vaima Laure

    Fable - Ask Reconnection and Retreat

    Vaima sat on the bottom of the supposedly icy dive pool. It wasn't particularly icy to her. It felt perfectly temperate- slightly warm, even. All water felt that way to her, though. Her runestone pulsed slightly with heat on her arm and she smiled at it in gratitude. She looked up at the surface...
  9. Vaima Laure

    Open Chronicles To Create is Divine. (Valenntenia)

    Vaima looked down upon the city and felt sick. Here, there was a slight increase in power behind each of her steps. The heavy canteen of water she kept strapped to her hip had gotten a tad lighter. Normally, she'd have loved this. It always was invigorating to be near water, even in smaller...