Recent content by Trask

  1. Trask

    Thunder of Thanasis The Battle of the Tsukiren Plains

    "BALOR, DIVE!" Trask sent the Wyvern down after Virdan as she descended. Keeping an eye on the scene he noticed the Scython Riders as they latched themselves to the hide of her Moon Dragon Typically he would not break rank but in the current skirmish the hope of the Wing was in their Commander...
  2. Trask

    Thunder of Thanasis The Battle of the Tsukiren Plains

    The Scython was the tempting target, the big one but the Rider was the prize. He spotted one coming at him head on and leveled his lance. "Now Balor!" He instructed with the three pats on the Wyvern's flank that told him to begin his glare. Wyvern's were ambush predators and while they had no...
  3. Trask

    Thunder of Thanasis The Battle of the Tsukiren Plains

    It was time to change tactics, though vastly more comfortable in the flanking role of skirmisher Trask understood that cohesion would win this day and little else. Pulling Balor into a swift dive he hung tight as the Wyvern made a sleek dart of its form to gather speed and a full seven of the...
  4. Trask

    Thunder of Thanasis The Battle of the Tsukiren Plains

    He had struck out first, going ahead. The swarm was vast, made up of focks of flying mouths. Malacath held many horrors and on the Wall Trask had seen his share but he would be damned if these hideous monsters and their cacophonous shrieks would deter him or Balor. His strategy was simple but...
  5. Trask

    Thunder of Thanasis Oops

    He might have tried harder to stop them but officially Nadya outranked him and if she wanted to risk her position for a pretty face she could do so all she wants. Not that any repurcusions would ever reach her privileged behind. No doubt she would attempt to shift the blame on him somehow. This...
  6. Trask

    Thunder of Thanasis The Battle of the Tsukiren Plains

    At last, a proper battle. Trask felt good that he had been chosen to go but he was aware of the opportunity more so. "We must show them Balor, they will know your worth at the end of this." The great Wyvern gave a throaty grumble as it shook it's fins out and clicked it's beak. Trask could not...
  7. Trask

    Thunder of Thanasis Oops

    "It is not enough!" Trask snapped. It was never enough. After food, the constant maintenance of the Wall itself, officer's wages, fuel, weapons, equipment, materials, tools and a laundry list of other things there was barely enough to spare for the rank and file wages let alone the unexpected or...
  8. Trask

    Thunder of Thanasis Oops

    "She'll only laugh if he is who he says he is." Trask pointed out to Nadya. "If he is what I suspect, a thief, then I expect Lady Lilwen will be in a much more agreeable mood and perhaps see fit to grant my request for aide to the wall." He spared her a moment's glance through a puff of his...
  9. Trask

    Thunder of Thanasis Oops

    Trask's smile fell from his face as the mysterious man's explanation came from his lips. His plain eyes caught Nadya's and he felt she believed this thief about half as much as he did himself. "I'll rescind it when you've proven me wrong Thief. Now if you are an escort, why were you up on the...
  10. Trask

    The Syzygy The Dance of the Moon Dragons

    Water crashed around those on the shore and peer as the great maw fiend gulped down what was left of the moon dragon and knocking various folk over. If it was not dead before it certainly was now. Shock took so many but Trask and Izaiah were among the first to shake it off. "GET BACK, BACK TO...
  11. Trask

    Thunder of Thanasis Oops

    Trask met Nadya's gaze with a look of utter concerned indignation. "That was still dangerous!" He strode over to the splayed man and knelt beside him. He did not look like a guest. His eyes looked up to where he had fallen from. "Congratulations Miss. You've caught a thief it seems." His dull...
  12. Trask

    The Syzygy The Dance of the Moon Dragons

    It took him a few long minutes to reach the shore again. A small crowd of folk were idling there looking up at the display in the skies. "Hey!" He called. "It's starting to look bad put there, maybe we should get inside." A few laughed him off until they saw the darkness. "Is that a storm?"...
  13. Trask

    Thunder of Thanasis Oops

    "Soldiers are not payed to be good at..." His head snapped to the fallen bricks. On the wall, loose masonry could cost a soldier their life or meant the wall was being scaled. Even this far from it the reaction was still strong. "Don't stand there!" Trask's voice chastised, seeing Nadya walk...
  14. Trask

    Thunder of Thanasis Oops

    He gave a look over the edge of the balcony. It was a good distance to the ground, two stories. "That hedge down there might break your fall if you are so desperate." He gave a pull on his pipe and a bitter smile as his head was almost lost in the smoke for a second. "Not that I blame you for...
  15. Trask

    Thunder of Thanasis Oops

    There was in fact a place to hide. The garden balcony overlooking the grounds was secluded, almost. A solitary figure sat off to the side smoking a pipe and nursing a drink. He wore his military clothes, armour and tunic denoting his position at the wall, which had him wonder why he was called...