Recent content by Toska

  1. Toska

    LFG Revitalizing my favorite character

    High praise indeed from the author of the hotness that is Arthur Wilde.
  2. Toska

    LFG Revitalizing my favorite character

    I'm down to join with Casio. Having him enmeshed in dark cults and romping around sounds more in his element than pretending to be a noble.
  3. Toska

    Careless Whimper

    Vampire is pure aesthetic and fun. Much like you. Welcome on man. I'll get you writing yet.
  4. Toska

    What's good

    Longevity's overrated. Particularly for fae.
  5. Toska


    New. Sometimes I write. Mostly I'm Toska. Here's a dude. Need stitches?