Recent content by Tinúviel

  1. Tinúviel

    Private Tales For King and Country

    Tinúviel took her hand in his as she offered it, and focused his mind upon hers. It would not be so intrusive as a true joining of their minds, but such was not needed in this case. Instead, Yvaine would feel Tinúviel's presence, though it would feel far off and far from intrusive. It would be a...
  2. Tinúviel

    Private Tales For King and Country

    Tinúviel studied her as she spoke, the duality within her not lost to him. There was a great strength in her, and willingness to move forward and do what must be done, but there was also the fear and doubt she struggled with. But then, her admission of visions and voices brought to him a great...
  3. Tinúviel

    Private Tales For King and Country

    With a blink of his eyes, his expression changed, and gone were the lines of grief and dread. His features became quite plain for a moment as his eyes fell to the ground near his feet, and then they lifted to her and a smile found his lips. "You speak with a wisdom beyond your years, Yvaine,"...
  4. Tinúviel

    Open Chronicles A Light in the Looming Shadow

    Tinúviel was, likely, one of the longest lived of the Aerai who remained after Ohta Andúnë. With over a thousand years lived in this world, he had learned a great many things in his centuries. One of these things, perhaps one of the most important, was patience. It was a skill, more than a thing...
  5. Sandbox Ohta Andúnë

  6. Tinúviel

    Open Chronicles A Light in the Looming Shadow

    Bolstered by the ranks of the Thirteen, Arwyl's force was sure to make quick work of the scouting party that sought to gauge the assembled force. As they engaged the enemy's probe just a short distance from the main force's path, Tinúviel urged them to hasten their pace and push onward. In...
  7. Tinúviel

    Open Chronicles A Light in the Looming Shadow

    "We call them demons, yes, but..." in truth, there was far more to these beasts. It was far from so simple. As simply as he could, Tinúviel unveiled what the Aerai knew of their predominate foe as it was now. Arkhivom's magic upon them was simple in its end - the utter, irrevocable twisting and...
  8. Tinúviel

    Open Chronicles A Light in the Looming Shadow

    It was difficult to move with much haste through the thick of Aeraesar's forest. Falwood had grown dense here already, and over a century of reclamation had only tightened their paths. Still, they forged ahead with more speed than Tinúviel had expected, and he was hopeful to be upon the city...
  9. Tinúviel

    Open Chronicles A Light in the Looming Shadow

    Tinúviel nodded to them, saying, "agreed. It will take us some time to make our way, and no doubt we will have Arkhivom's pets nipping at our heels. And with the Avariel at the head we will see long ahead if anything bars our way. We will begin readying for our departure. In the meantime, a...
  10. Tinúviel

    Open Chronicles A Light in the Looming Shadow

    The Prince Keirvarn. The Thirteen of Thyasari. A host of others from lands untold. Many had come, and Tinúviel found himself humbled that those of these ilk would come to their aid so readily. To Arwyl, he had given his deepest thanks, and said that those of the Conclave would be most eager to...
  11. Tinúviel

    Open Chronicles A Light in the Looming Shadow

    "Who speaks for you here?" At first, there was a quiet that fell over those Aerai who were there at the camp's gates. It came first at the sight of them, descending through the dark like shining beacons of light. Their wings were like those that were etched into their Temple's great murals...
  12. Tinúviel

    Open Chronicles A Light in the Looming Shadow

    The road into Aeraesar was a treacherous path, and as the sky grew darker the danger only grew. As fortune would have it, however, Tinúviel was not alone on his journey. There had been a number of warriors and adventurers, men, dwarves and elves of favourable ilk that had heard the call for aid...
  13. Tinúviel

    Private Tales The Quiet In-between

    “Do you have any friends in the Falwood I should know about?” "Not exactly..." Tinúviel spoke vaguely, but he spoke of a dark, and terrible curse. He told her how it had befallen his lands, and his people, and how many of them had perished when it came. Almost all who remained of his kind...
  14. Tinúviel

    Private Tales The Quiet In-between

    The couple looked between each other, giving one another that quiet look that only a married couple would know. Tinúviel had seen it on many faces, and he couldn't help the half smile that grew on his lips every time he saw it. Then, after only a moment, the pair looked to them again as they...
  15. Tinúviel

    Private Tales The Quiet In-between

    His eyes glanced over her rather quickly, rather inconspicuously too. He was nothing if not observant after all his years, and he was quick to make a determination about his new friend - she was far more troubled by her past than she wanted to let on, and she used crutches no one could really...