Recent content by The Crimson Madonna

  1. The Crimson Madonna

    Open Chronicles The spark of an Uprising

    Aurelia would wait quietly after speaking as many others spoke up, and even some new arrivals came. She had said her piece, and made no attempt to say more. So when the necromancers had been dispatched, and the group was set to march she'd follow behind Eilasandree closely. She was not used to...
  2. The Crimson Madonna

    Open Chronicles The spark of an Uprising

    Aurelia would listen to the others as they spoke paying careful attention to their words. Just as she would have had it been one of her old military meetings. Though this time it was something much more. The birth of a nation which she would have a chance to be a part of. She would wait her turn...
  3. The Crimson Madonna

    Open Chronicles The spark of an Uprising

    Aurelia would look at the strange man, and his potato stew cautiously. He seemed to be a friend to the undead... and possibly anyone based on his demeanor. She had never had potato stew before as it was not a common meal for a royal family living in such a cold place. Though it did seem to smell...
  4. The Crimson Madonna

    Open Chronicles The spark of an Uprising

    It had been a long time since Aurelia died. She wasn’t sure how long, for one lost track after death. Though she knew it had been a long time. A long time for her to reflect on her life. An even longer time for her to wish she had been queen. Most of all a long time she had been dead. Nothing...
  5. The Crimson Madonna

    LFG Calling all Undead and Necromancers. The Eternum rises!

    The Queen of the Lost Kingdom of Nairiwyth, Aurelia Hallewell, will be sure to make her return for this. It would seem the time draws near for the Crimson Madonna to get back to doing what she does best.