Recent content by Taugdorm

  1. Taugdorm

    Private Tales Biting Back Bile

    That first bet he'd be a fool to take, he snorted at the thought of even being so foolish. Annie Nigma was unreliable at worst and chaotic at best. There could have been anything in that cask; piss, vinegar, syrax, hell, it could have really been Imperial golden ale. Of course, there was always...
  2. Taugdorm

    Private Tales Biting Back Bile

    There was a twang inside of his gut; the idea of leaving the man's body behind striking a rotten chord within the half-orc. He froze for a second, chewing the bile and blood on the inside of his cheek as he stared at the corpse. He could see the disappointment on his mother's face already, but...
  3. Taugdorm

    Private Tales Biting Back Bile

    The moment Myna was distracted by the scroll Taug swiftly tore the locket from the behemoth's thick neck and pocketed it, choosing to spare his friend from any additional guilt. He'd at least try and make this right, for both of them, maybe his mum would help him out. "Yeah, it's just weird...
  4. Taugdorm

    Private Tales Biting Back Bile

    He'd take a quiet chuckle; in Voxmire, it was the little wins that mattered most. Without further preamble Taug crouched over the body, a prickle of shame creeping up the back of his neck as he began to swiftly search through the pockets of the deceased underboss. He didn't feel particularly...
  5. Taugdorm

    Private Tales Biting Back Bile

    "Mama Maz is gonna beat me over the head with her stew pot," Taug offered with a slight grin that stung his face, making a trademarked attempt to lighten the mood around them, despite the corpse at their feet. "Hey," he replied to her barely whimpered apology, a finger rising to boop her chin...
  6. Taugdorm

    Private Tales Biting Back Bile

    "He attacked us." Taug chewed on the inside of his cheek, tasting ether and blood once again as his eyes cast over the body again, almost as if he were afraid it might move in protest. They had tried in earnest, tried talking, tried flattery and at no point did the beast from the Scarves ever...
  7. Taugdorm

    Private Tales Biting Back Bile

    For the entire course of their friendship, Taug was always acutely aware that Myna's life had been considerably worse than his. Oh, they stood in the same shit now but his relatively short life of hardship had always been lessened by his mother whereas his friend had grown up with nothing and...
  8. Taugdorm

    Private Tales Biting Back Bile

    Not accustomed to biting the hands of strangers, Taug underestimated the strength of his jaw and in, what turned out to be a new horrifying layer to the unfolding calamity actually severed two of the behemoth's fingers, which now rattled around inside of his mouth. He wriggled away, gagging...
  9. Taugdorm

    Private Tales Biting Back Bile

    Taug froze and watched with ever-growing concern as Myna kept stabbing, she was transfixed, almost a woman possessed as she plunged the blade into the brute over and over again. Ether tainted blood spurted and sprayed, mingling with their flesh, their clothes and the shit of the gutter beneath...
  10. Taugdorm

    Private Tales Biting Back Bile

    Mercifully, Myna had not gone blind in the past thirty seconds and received the frantic signal...or perhaps she hadn't, and her default answer for all of life's problems had turned to knife crime. Concerning, but ultimately an issue for another day. Taug gurgled, face turning purple and eyes...
  11. Taugdorm

    Private Tales Biting Back Bile

    Taug winced at the very sound of the blow that struck his friend, the impact so violent that it practically vibrated through the shit-scented air that they all shared. Now he wasn't as much of a pessimist as Myna, not even close (she could take a basket of puppies and make them seem like a...
  12. Taugdorm

    Private Tales Biting Back Bile

    He wasn't wrong. If Voxmire was a city with a core purpose at its corrupt heart then that purpose would have been survival. The only positive attribute that this place seemed capable of scraping up was its people and their tenacity. It would have been easy to just lie down and rot, but not one...
  13. Taugdorm

    Private Tales Biting Back Bile

    Unfortunately, Taug's charisma seemed to be reserved for the local ladies and as such was lacking in the face of an ether-fuelled monster. Maybe if he just shut his eyes and pretended that the underboss was a beautiful, busty orc maiden then it would be easier to talk. No, that... ...could it...
  14. Taugdorm

    Private Tales Biting Back Bile

    Taug stood open-mouthed, looking between the approaching monster and his best friend as if she had just taken a lucky shit on his boots. He was about to argue his own case to instead play the role of scowling, stoic muscle but the more he thought about it, the more the half-man released that he...
  15. Taugdorm

    Private Tales Biting Back Bile

    “That...thing on his face,” Taug repeated slowly, nodding with a perplexed expression as if the words of his best friend was the ramblings of an incoherent lunatic, “yes, yes that's a very helpful description and I totally understand what you mean." It was not. As the half-Orc racked his brain...