Tarid Ra’leem
Tarid is a Squire in the Knights of Anathaeum, having served for two years. A devoted and promising warrior in the service of the order, Tarid has made Astenvale his home since departing the Kaliti desert and found purpose in pursuing knighthood since.
Born in a town a few days upriver from Mamsis, Tarid was raised in the desert settlement for his entire adolescence. Once serving in the town’s guard, he abandoned his post when the town lost its independence and became a vassal state to a neighbouring power. Since then, he has enlisted with the Knights of Anatharum, leaving Amol-Kalit behind to train with and serve the Order.
His youthful skin carries a deeply tanned complexion common to those from Amol-Kalit. Locks of wavy black hair drape his shoulders, twisting into a pair of braids beneath his ears. A full, medium length beard covers his chin. aside from a pair of spots beneath the sides of his lips, extending into his sideburns and moustache.
Skills and Abilities
An adept fighter, Tarid is proficient in a wide assortment of martial weapons, though he is most proficient with swords and spears, along with some skill at archery as well. His natural agility makes him a quick and nimble fighter, quick to parry, flank or exploit some other advantage his quick movements might grant him.
Tarid is daring, sometimes to the point of recklessness but his common sense and desire for self-preservation usually wins out before he gets in too much trouble. He also possesses a sharp wit, often making quips, which can sometimes get him in the ire of higher ranks.
More humble now that he’s had a couple of years in the order, Tarid still has a touch of pridefulness which can get the best of him, though he does make an effort to keep it in check.
More humble now that he’s had a couple of years in the order, Tarid still has a touch of pridefulness which can get the best of him, though he does make an effort to keep it in check.