Recent content by TapathyWR

  1. TapathyWR

    *Tap Tap* Is this thing on?

    Hey all, Tap here. So it's been like a month and a half but it feels like I've been gone for about a decade. Stuff is going well, a bunch of lore work I'd been meaning to do has been completed, really pumped to unveil that in the next few days, get that little Guardians relaunch going. Expect...
  2. TapathyWR

    Good news and Bad news

    The Bad News: A lot of recent events, both in my personal life and in the sphere of my writing friends, has worn me pretty much to the bone. With some recent departures, I was left to pick up a lot of peices, and I'm finding I really don't have the energy for that. On top of that, writing just...
  3. TapathyWR

    Let's write together.

    ***** || She's awesome, highly recommend! -Tapathy's yelp review on Wynter Willow
  4. TapathyWR


  5. TapathyWR

    Tap's Vacay Bonanza

    I'm going on a much-needed Vacation to ease my weary body and mind. I've really been feeling the wear and tear lately and it's been obvious in my work. Hopefully, this will rejuvenate me as only watching men in spandex throwing each-other around can do, and I'll come back full of muse and ready...
  6. TapathyWR

    LFG Remember the Heroes of Old

    Why she ain't got no eyes, cuz?
  7. TapathyWR

    Tiny little break

    I think you're up on our threads anyway. Gives you a little time to whip up some trademark mastery. Dingo
  8. TapathyWR

    Tiny little break

    Hey peeps! I've got a lot of stuff to do this weekend, and I'm pretty exhausted physically and mentally after a long (but productive!) month. I'm taking about 6 days off of writing to recharge and get done what I gotta get done. I might get a couple of posts out tomorrow night, then I'll be MIA...
  9. TapathyWR

    LFG Wild Elves

    I could see myself throwing my hat into this ring.
  10. TapathyWR

    Hello hello!

    Welcome to the jungle! Hope to see you around, looking forward to seeing what you come up with! Tried to think of some MtG puns, but I don't want to trample your enthusiasm-- You probably have some high vigilance towards that.
  11. TapathyWR

    I Am Literally a Goat

    Welcome to the jungle, we've got fun n' games.
  12. TapathyWR

    Teensy little hiatus

    Hello all you lovely people. I am finally all set to get some important work done on myself that I've needed for a long time, and starting tomorrow I won't be posting for at least a week. I will be making an attempt to give every post I owe before I leave for the week. So if you'd like a post...
  13. TapathyWR


    Take all the time you need Vig. We love you and we'll always be here when you're ready to come back.
  14. TapathyWR

    Short break

    We'll be here. Hope to see you soon. :)
  15. TapathyWR

    So funny story about that break.

    The surgery wasn't able to be done, and it'll probably be a few months before we get to try again, so... Forget about that last post. Stuck with me a while longer.