Recent content by Skad

  1. Skad

    Fable - Ask Not Much Room for Decent Hearts

    The sight of the captive audience reacting to the imbibement of the blood was disconcerting, making Skad feel as if she were some exciting, new creature that had washed up on southern shores to be gawked at and judged without reservation. Of course, this was true for the entire period they had...
  2. Skad

    Fable - Ask Not Much Room for Decent Hearts

    As if Vida were suspicion made flesh, she conceded to not partaking in the dubious blood potion because she disliked the taste. Skad, already openly affronted by the request, did not hide her disgust. Beyond a weak excuse, it was another example of blatant luxury that these Southerners wore...
  3. Skad

    Private Tales Endirinn

    The others' muttered passing judgment would have usually meant very little to Skad; whether she was a ruthless monster or Haraudur's chosen, it was nothing more than idle chatter that filled a space she was content with remaining empty. It bothered her now. Even if it was absent from her...
  4. Skad

    Fable - Ask Not Much Room for Decent Hearts

    Swift and to the point. Skad's eye travelled to the retrieved axe, her would-be instrument of carnage for the evening, and took in the evident finery of the weapon. She could imagine to them, in all their southern comforts, that this weapon was nothing special—a perfectly passable axe. They did...
  5. Skad

    Fable - Ask Not Much Room for Decent Hearts

    Skad could forgive Drow for making another exit, his task of fetching the axe of actual importance, which was unfair speculation on her part. Accusing the man of being woman-avoidant would have been better served as an off-hand comment to gauge a reaction, peeling back the skin to see if words...
  6. Skad

    Fable - Ask Not Much Room for Decent Hearts

    With her head still bowed, Skad's blood dripped down upon the ground beneath her, intermingling with the morning dew that sat lazily on blades of grass and soaking into the earth below so it might have reached Him. In the solitude of her offering, she allowed herself to be open, that stoic...
  7. Skad

    Fable - Ask Not Much Room for Decent Hearts

    Skad was not concerned about what Drow thought of the condition of his returned clothing. The catastrophe of expressions on his face was not lost on her, but it was hardly worth giving much thought or energy to. She was sure that whatever grievance the creature held would be taken up with Basil...
  8. Skad

    Private Tales Endirinn

    Hella followed suit, filling her own bowl as she listened to Brenna's story with quiet consideration, nodding patiently as the Southerner made her best effort to speak their tongue. The others who rode with them had followed, with Yrsa, Vigi, and Sar all scooping out a portion of stew for...
  9. Skad

    Private Tales Endirinn

    Hella paused to consider Brenna's terms explicitly, chewing over the broken-worded proposition after her small outburst. If there were to be any accord, it would be drawn taut and ready to snap at a moment's notice, with trust being something that had to be earned rather than given for all...
  10. Skad

    Private Tales Endirinn

    All she could do was awkwardly nod in confirmation to Brenna. Mad might have been an understatement. Big mad would have been Skad's response, her vocabulary lacking the right words to reflect how livid, furious, or incensed their suspicions had made Hella. Or whatever creature was wearing her...
  11. Skad

    Private Tales Endirinn

    Brenna's preparedness to whip out her axe at a moment's notice had barely been regarded, seeming to be a natural state of aggression that thrived in these barren lands. However, eyebrows were raised at the emergence of the common tongue, and heads swivelled as strange words spurred on paranoia...
  12. Skad

    Fable - Ask Not Much Room for Decent Hearts

    She didn't need to understand the rest of his explanation; the word 'Vida' was more than enough to clarify why she had been awoken to suffer such a fate. Perhaps a person with a better grasp of the common tongue, not in a state somewhere between still drunk and hungover, would be more equipped...
  13. Skad

    Private Tales Endirinn

    Sar and Hella immediately focused on Brenna, who had revealed herself somewhat competent with the Wiir tongue. Skad, who meanwhile was still mostly trying to pull oxygen into her protesting core acceptedas she dragged herself back to her feet with the assistance of her friend. Any tension there...
  14. Skad

    Private Tales Endirinn

    "What?" The question was so sudden, specific, and absurd that it only provided a sense of foreboding at Skad's back. Why would Brenna ask such a question unless... She whirled around, only to see an approaching spectre from the past. Except no, it was not an apparition brought forth from the...
  15. Skad

    Private Tales Endirinn

    "Big mad," she confirmed with silent hope that her companion was joking. Perhaps it would have been fitting. Hadn't this chain of events been set into motion by the unabashed devouring of stolen livestock? While massaging the blood back into her rear, Skad took stock of Hof's state, noting a...