Recent content by Seyah

  1. Seyah

    Private Tales Truths In Blood

    "Or if she's even there." Seyah pointed out with a slight frown, her gaze following the point Theron had drawn her to. "But it is the best we have." As Theron began to stalk forward, Seyah quietly fell into step behind him. Her now less slight form was still lithe enough for her steps to be...
  2. Seyah

    Private Tales Truths In Blood

    Seyah said nothing as they slipped inside the grounds of the warehouse. Calling it that was diminutive, for in reality the place was more like a compound. The warehouse was actually three, and two other buildings accompanied them. All kept behind a small stone wall topped with a fence. Such...
  3. Seyah

    Private Tales Truths In Blood

    Ahead, one of Polgir's warehouses came into view. Seyah played her part perfectly, as she always had. The face she had chosen was one of those whom belonged to Polgir's gang, though not of any more significance than Throgmir. In truth, she did not even know the woman's name. She was a blade...
  4. Seyah

    Private Tales Truths In Blood

    Seyah was unsurprised of course. She knew what the magic did, and she knew how effective it was. Even those with the most powerful of sorceries would struggle to tell Theron apart from the real Throgmir. The Blood was particularly good at this sort of thing. "Of course." The Tarverness said...
  5. Seyah

    Fate - First Reply Blood On the Rocks[Pirates]

    As soon as Ed's head shot in a fit of coughs, Seyah released her grasp. Fingers sleeping away as her palm quickly swept to the side, blood still dripping down onto the deck. Crimson shimmered as it splattered across the wood, seeming almost like a slick of oil over the water. Tumi seemed to...
  6. Seyah

    Private Tales Truths In Blood

    Seyah smiled. "It is a good thing I can change back." Though that too would bring pain. It was the toll of the Blood. The power that each of them held coming with an innate cost. Her own Witchery was an echo of that which their Ancestors could do with a snap of the finger. An evocation of the...
  7. Seyah

    Fate - First Reply Blood On the Rocks[Pirates]

    The Witch seemed to stall for a moment, her lips parting in an answer that never came. Seyah knew that she very likely could help the Captain, but the trouble was she didn't actually know what was wrong with him. His pulse was steadily flowing away, his eyes were growing hazy...but for all she...
  8. Seyah

    Private Tales Truths In Blood

    "It's done." She said simply, drawing her fingers away from his and slowly waving them towards the cup beneath his palm. "Drink this." Since he had chosen none other, Seyah had needed to use Throgmir as his likeness. The effects would be swift, and come with utter agony as his bones were...
  9. Seyah

    Fate - First Reply Blood On the Rocks[Pirates]

    As the last of the boarding party was cut down, Seyah allowed herself a moment to relax. Slow breaths filling her lungs with sea air, eyes closing as the lingering sounds of battle still rung out from the deck below. For the first time in what felt like hours she could relax. Her mission done...
  10. Seyah

    Private Tales Truths In Blood

    The smile on her lips, slight as it was, lingered for a second longer than it otherwise might have. For a heartbeat or more, the Witch said nothing. Her eyes hanging upon him before slowly she turned away and beckoned with her right hand. It was a strange walk towards the altar. Each step...
  11. Seyah

    Private Tales Truths In Blood

    "Please." Seyah said with a gentle wave of her hand towards the door. A part of her felt a pang of guilt for doing this. The traditions of their people were not something to be taken lightly, and many Tyrian's would rather spill their own Blood than break them. Seyah knew that she had pushed...
  12. Seyah

    Private Tales Truths In Blood

    The Taverness let him sleep longer than the hour she had promised. The working of rituals were not simple, and the more care she took the less chance there would be of something going wrong. Seyah's mother had taught her well, but that did not mean she was perfect. Still, it was not long after...
  13. Seyah

    Private Tales Truths In Blood

    A grin spread on her lips. "Well, you have an hour to find me a likeness." There were no limits to how far her magics could go, not in this at least, but the greater the change the more pain there would be. Those who held this gift natively within their Blood experienced less so, but neither of...
  14. Seyah

    Fate - First Reply Blood On the Rocks[Pirates]

    Almost as soon as Edward shouted, the Siren began to turn. Cutting towards the left and away from the cliffs as billowing clouds of smoke erupted from the ocean. Seyah's breath caught in her lungs as she watched their pursuers disappear within the smog, lips pressing to a thin line as she...
  15. Seyah

    Fate - First Reply Blood On the Rocks[Pirates]

    Chaos was good. Seyah couldn't agree more, she just needed the direction of where that chaos should go. A frown pulled at her lips as quickly her eyes darted over the fallen orcs that were now scattered over the decks. "Tumi!" She called out to the Ogre, his head almost immediately turning...