Recent content by Sammy

  1. Sammy

    LFG A small semi active rp with me?

    Unfortunately i do not own discord, and wont be getting it for quite a bit. Apologies
  2. Sammy

    LFG A small semi active rp with me?

    I only have sam rn, any rp ideas? I’m open to any!
  3. Sammy

    LFG A small semi active rp with me?

    I’m open to any rp, just comment and we’ll plan a bit, im new here so i dont know much on what to do ^^’
  4. Sammy

    Hunting for an rp

    Hunting for an rp
  5. Sammy

    Small intro

  6. Sam (character)

    Small intro to sam
  7. Sammy

    Small intro

    Names sam/creator, and im just your average lore maker/rper. Favorite foods are rice and steak, favorite drinks are sprite and sweet tea. I spen a lot of time training my skills in dbfz, and i hope to see you all soon!
  8. Sammy

    Causing some people to fear

    Causing some people to fear