Recent content by Roul

  1. Roul

    Private Tales Let Us Bare Our Teeth

    The burly Cortosi shot Iskra an amber-eyed glower as her voice whispered in his mind, whilst her lips stayed silent. Sorcery. Cursed Three below, he hated sorcery. And sorceresses. Well. His thoughts drifted briefly. Maybe not all sorceresses. With a grunt, Roul grabbed the slip of a fae...
  2. Roul

    Private Tales The Haunted Hunted

    “Mm.” Roul stared up at the ceiling, brow furrowed. “I don’t know. The Church’s warriors are not easily slain.” He grimaced slightly at her touch on his wound, not wanting to retreat from those fingers but reminded of the edged blade plunging into him. “And if he is, it doesn’t matter… they...
  3. Roul

    Private Tales Let Us Bare Our Teeth

    The Cortosi's beard bobbed as his lips pursed. He stroked his chin. Fuck. Keres might kill him. Resurrect him. Kill him again. He inhaled through the nose and nodded, as if he'd been inspecting the wares instead of contemplating the weird wanderings of his life, then pointed at an entrancing...
  4. Roul

    Private Tales Howls of the Damned

    The door flew open and crashed against the wall behind it with an enormous thud of wood on stone. Power flowed into the room, a tide of shadows unlike any Elide had summoned forth. They billowed at the feet of a woman, no, an elf. She strode into the room, tall, imperious, her gaze iron and her...
  5. Roul

    Open Chronicles The Sunset's Sorrow

    Behind came deafening booms, Roul threw a look over his shoulder and saw amidst the heavy fog a dock engulfed in fire belching black smoke, enormous pieces of the pier now mere flotsam in the ocean below, bodies too. And he could hear screaming amid the din. Who knew how many of the crew had...
  6. Roul

    LFG The Court of Tides

    Hey there! I created the Wardens based off the Cerak At’Thul core lore and have been running stories with them with writers: Autolycus, Elide, Iren Brightmane, Iskra, Nicomo, Keres, Ubnara Debadn, Aiari and Izoldë They basically are the ones in charge of the fortress of Cerak At’thul while...
  7. Roul

    Private Tales The Haunted Hunted

    His heart raced as she returned the kiss, melting into him for a moment, just a moment, but it seemed to last forever. His eyes closed and he drank in the taste of her lips, the smell of her skin. The world and their worries melted away for that moment. Their lips broke. She searched his eyes...
  8. Roul

    Private Tales Howls of the Damned

    A shove and he fell, some unseen obstacle taking his ankles out from under him. Elide rode him all the way down, landing atop him with her thin fingers wrapping around his throat, fingernails digging into the skin of his neck as she squeezed. Her ghost-white eyes hovered inches from his own as...
  9. Roul

    Private Tales Let Us Bare Our Teeth

    Not her type- oh... hmm. He shot Iskra an annoyed look, then made a show of fishing out some coin from his pocket. He pushed it around in his palm. A few Anirian silvers. An Allirian gold piece. Ah, there was a Kaliti coin with the minted face of that half-giant emperor on it. Wasn't he...
  10. Roul

    Open Chronicles The Sunset's Sorrow

    Overhead, Roul heard a strange lowing noise as of a wild bull. He glanced up to see a winged bull with an archer atop and grunted. "That's a new one." He squinted at the archer, could smell the reek of power coalescing around her shot. With a quick word and a gesture from his buckler-hand, he...
  11. Roul

    Dreadlords Four Factions and a Wedding.

    The fog was so thick, seeping up from the very ground, that Roul could hardly see five feet in front of him, much less could he see anyone in the crowd - though he did hear the muffled words of someone screaming about burying him. He could see the outlines of shapes moving toward them through...
  12. Roul

    Fable - Ask Slash and Burn (Wardens)

    He swore to whichever fucking god haunted his footsteps that if he had to do one more chore for these blasted, egotistical maniacs he would let his wolf out in the middle of the feast hall. Compared to the previous jobs, Roul supposed rooting out a Naga encampment was actually fairly...
  13. Roul

    Private Tales The Haunted Hunted

    A long moment passed. Roul could feel the thudding of his heart against his chest, quickening. He could hear the steady rhythm of hers, could feel the tips of her fingers pressing into his arm. She did not curse his name. She did not wish him death. No, she spoke his name tenderly, touched him...
  14. Roul

    Private Tales Let Us Bare Our Teeth

    "Hm. Nznzap. That doesn't make any sense. That's- oh..." Roul turned the letter rightside up sheepishly. "Bazuzu. Right." Clearing his throat, Roul strode on until they came to the street where the whores plied their trade. Scowling ferociously at the women and men who tried to gain his...
  15. Roul

    Private Tales Howls of the Damned

    He uttered a curse, snatching his hand and glancing down to see droplets of scarlet bubble up from the toothmarks. He looked up and was met with her red grin. The mercenary did not back away, but he did pause, chest rising and falling with the heavy breaths of his anger, it swirled about his...