Recent content by Rori

  1. Rori

    Private Tales The Next Chapter..

    The redhead chuffed at the banter between the two, her gaze settling on Agatha as she fell into distant thought. She had no doubt the woman would be a formidable opponent to stand against, but it was clear that she treated her men and women well, or they wouldn't have shared such warmth with...
  2. Rori

    Private Tales The Next Chapter..

    Rosy lips twisted at Agatha's acknowledgement of her manners and she lifted a shoulder in a quick shrug. "Manners cost nothing, but can earn you everything.." she recited with her chin up and her back straight, impersonating her father. She snorted bitterly, though, what he'd meant was...
  3. Rori

    Private Tales The Next Chapter..

    Rori's eyes followed the Captain's movements as she selected the dagger from the pile. The glint of the blade in Agatha's palm held a certain allure, and she couldn't help but be captivated by the simplicity and potential power it represented. The offer of the dagger, hilt-first, was met with a...
  4. Rori

    Private Tales The Next Chapter..

    Rori met Agatha's gaze with a resolute nod. "Right. Warrior." she replied again, her voice carrying a mix of determination and a touch of nerves. "Warrori." she snorted at a terrible attempt at humour. "..Sorry." Following Agatha through the bustling camp, Rori soon found herself standing...
  5. Rori

    Private Tales The Next Chapter..

    Rori's eyes shifted between Agatha and Mender, catching the unspoken exchange. Subtle as a brick, she mused, suppressing the urge to huff in exasperation. The last thing she wanted was to be useless, or to give in to the creeping tendrils of hopelessness. There was a desire within her to prove...
  6. Rori

    Private Tales The Next Chapter..

    Her eyes found Agatha's over the rim of her cup as she sipped carefully, swallowing down the first comforting mouthful of coffee with a sigh. "Uh, I think so. Yes, thank you." she answered, her gaze darting to Mender, hoping the medicae wouldn't immediately disagree and claim her to be hopeless...
  7. Rori

    Private Tales The Next Chapter..

    Rori quickly found herself knee-deep in the responsibilities that came with her role as an orderly. Mender, had put her to work fetching supplies and tending to whatever tasks needed doing. She was almost certain that most of her requests had simply been to test her, but she had managed thus far...
  8. Rori

    Private Tales The Next Chapter..

    Rori gave a curt nod and pulled her arm away from Agatha's grasp, shooting a final, sharp look at Toki, the determined set of her jaw and the fire in her eyes spoke of a resilience that had weathered the storms of insult and injury. "Tomorrow." she replied, her tone carrying a note of finality...
  9. Rori

    Private Tales The Next Chapter..

    There was a spark of defiant anger in her mossy gaze as she set it first upon the hand that gripped her arm, and then on Agatha's face, expecting that the orc would reprimand her for how she'd spoken to the dwarf she assumed to be her friend. But, rather than rage, there was amusement, and she...
  10. Rori

    Private Tales The Next Chapter..

    The small smile that curled on her lips was instant as she took in the Captain's tent. It was.. homely, and oddly comforting, that was until the little, bearded man peeked out and startled her. She'd smiled, about to say hello when she was immediately insulted and her smile fell into a scowl...
  11. Rori

    Private Tales The Next Chapter..

    Now, it was Rori's turn to blush, and the redhead's fair skin could burn furiously. Agatha was laughing, and she wasn't sure if that made it better or worse. The Blackshield Captain was far more confident than she, and far more charismatic than she had expected. It was difficult not to be a...
  12. Rori

    Private Tales The Next Chapter..

    "I won't be late." Rori promised with a light smirk, and a quiet chuckle tumbled from her lips. Laughter, fuck, that felt strange, especially here with a pair of orc women. Weren't they supposed to be serious and terrifying? Weren't they war-crazed, blood-thirsty animals? She supposed they were...
  13. Rori

    Private Tales The Next Chapter..

    The knot of tension in her chest loosened slightly. Mender was an orc, yes, but a female one with a sense of humour. An audible breath spilled from the redhead and her the stoic and serious expression she wore warmed as she listened to the two’s interaction. Even the unexpected hand on her...
  14. Rori

    Private Tales The Next Chapter..

    "I'm perfectly relaxed." she answered in a quiet grumble that carried the slightest hint of attitude. A lie, of course. She hated how anxious she felt, and she hated even more that she let it show to these strangers like a beaten dog being offered a hand. She had no choice but to believe Agatha...
  15. Rori

    Private Tales The Next Chapter..

    Not for everyone? Rori didn't doubt that for a moment. This was going to take some getting used to, and honestly - she wasn't sure if she had even a kernel of the strength these people had to live the way they did, never mind fight as they did. But she'd try. The captain's warning cut through...