Rogdul stood leaning forward over the strake to watch the surface of the water for any indication of where the ship had gone. Of course, the thing could well appear again on any of the other three sides but he could only be in so many places at once, and shifting into a more amenable plane for...
Once Rogdul heard that the enemy crew was comprised of vampires, he hesitated. It wasn't out of any fear of them, but out of the knowledge that his preferred and most skilled method of fighting wasn't terrible useful against something that had such specific ways to actually be put down.
Rogdul stood at his ballista, trying to sight anything at all but there was nothing for the longest time. He considered that perhaps it was a false alarm, and considered whether or not to have a measure of strong words with the night watch, when the ship suddenly turned as though to dodge a rock...
Rogdul was born a sailor, which admittedly wasn't very common for orcs but it had bestowed many skills on him from a young age. One of those was the ability to quickly transition from sleeping and waking states with little drag, mental or physical.
He hadn't internalized the screeching of a...
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