Rodin Graveworn

Born on the isles of Sheketh to a mother and father who had no time for him, thus had him adopted into the Brotherhood of the Moon to undergo his training as a Dark Knight. He has no siblings, only once had he thought the comrades from his cohort his family, now banished his friends are few.

Trained as a Dark Knight, expertise in swordsmanship, unarmed combat, archery and magic: offensive, defensive and repair magic some item enchantment also.

Sworn to uphold the values of the brotherhood, he found the practices too restrictive and riddled with hypocrisy. Having argued and even fought many a time with his seniors, he was sought after and placed into exile over his views and beliefs. Still practicing his mantras, and bound by his word, he still applies the disciplines that he was taught to the everyday. Having renounced his faith in the gods and goddesses tho has seen him in bad standing with his use of arcane powers and some spells have been known to backfire on him because of this. Had his faith not been shattered, maybe his power would return to full strength.

After his fall into exile, Rodin now strives to provide skills as a mercenary and healer. Trying to regain his faith in the old ways, and to walk the light path rather than return to the practices of dark magic and their lure.

His body bares the scars of his victories, for the practice of a dark knight was to scarify ones body to complete a tally of foes and to ward off evil spirits. Rodin has such scars over his entire torso, and upon his chest are two dark sigils for the moons Lessat and Pneria that act as a strong protection spell, binding the forces of darkness and light into balance.

6ft 8 and heavily muscle bound, this human strikes foes with a sense of fear before they even meet him in battle. His long dark hair and striking grey eyes give him a look of a battle worn veteran.

He is known to wear a bearskin cloak, ashen plated armour and have dark garments underneath. He carries a great-sword with enchantment, a black stained bow made of Ork tusk and maple. A small quiver of arrows with red feather fletching. He has a knife upon his belt for up close and personal use and a secondary knife tucked within his boots. He is also known for carrying a small timepiece upon his person, attached to his neck via a small leather thong, and has a satchel upon his waist for coin, herbs and such.

Has escaped the terrors of Thalmar and lived to tell the tale.

Has a particular dislike for the sea.
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