Recent content by Rhory Grimmere

  1. Rhory Grimmere

    Open Chronicles Just One More

    Rhory gave Felix a hard look, but lowered her sword and placed her hand over the wounded's mouth. Her brown eyes bore into the man's, her gaze hard and unyielding in their intensity. Her eyes told him to do as Felix said. Be quiet. Stay still. The worst was not over yet. It wasn't until...
  2. Rhory Grimmere

    Fable - Ask The 44th

    Rhory gave Felix a doting look, "Awww!" she cooed, leaned over to quickly pinch his cheek before he could swat her hand away. She laughed, knowing she was definitely the guiltiest of not resting when she should. Hells, Rhory even had to learn routes to avoid the medic's tent in fear that Felix...
  3. Rhory Grimmere

    Open Chronicles Just One More

    Rhory's worries lessened by the time Felix made it clear he understood not everyone could be helped. Rhory was even grateful to the Princess, for she showed better courage and bravery than someone that should be... a princess. Grimmere respected her for being here, to fighting for something out...
  4. Rhory Grimmere

    Open Chronicles Just One More

    She wanted to say no to it all, but Rhory knew she was outnumbered in the vote. Head head dipped, nodding to both of them as they spoke. Steel sang as she withdrew her sword from it's sheath at her side, whirling it to warm up the muscles in her arm. "Then I take the lead. You got all you...
  5. Rhory Grimmere

    Fable - Ask The 44th

    "I think Porridge deserved getting thrown about, and therefore you do not need to apologise to the likes of him." Rhory said matter of factly. "Especially after all he said about us." The squad was always going to have each other's backs. Rhory looked to Kristen, her smile welcoming."Do you...
  6. Rhory Grimmere

    Fable - Ask The 44th

    Rhory hid the hurt from her face, like she had done every time someone made to comment about the few times she had warmed another's bed. It worked a number of times, but there always will be the few that used it against her. Porridge had gotten to the top of her list. The moment Arn's face...
  7. Rhory Grimmere

    Completed The Reward of Loyalty

    The way Kristen spoke made Rhory smile. It ignited hopefulness in her, that what was said would come to pass. A future painted before her, that she could get out of this alive and have a family herself. Never mind her family's pledge to the Guard, never mind that Rhory hadn't ever thought about...
  8. Rhory Grimmere

    Open Chronicles Heart & Hearth Day - 2025

    To my new friend, Thank you for your friendship and kindness, for in these times, such a blessing seems so small but all the same the most appreciated. I will be there for you when you need me most, we are stronger together, we are heard and understood. Trust in that, please, Kristen. Your...
  9. Rhory Grimmere

    Completed The Reward of Loyalty

    Rhory broke into a soft smile, a chuckle bubbling into laughter too as Kristen's joined her. "Your support here has been appreciated, Kristen. Even Arn and Felix are now comfortable around you that you being a Lady does not make them worry they forgot to bow or address you correctly." She...
  10. Rhory Grimmere

    Fable - Ask The 44th

    "Come on Arn!" Rhory shouted, grinning widely despite the hit he had taken. "You are faster! Stronger! You have the fire in you!" She cheered him on. Her voice was loud, commanding, deafening the calls and shouts of the onlookers. "Use his pain against him! Just like we practiced in our...
  11. Rhory Grimmere

    Completed The Reward of Loyalty

    Rhory looked to Kristen as if her words spoke to every beat of her heart, that it kept her alive as her thoughts came to understand what she was speaking of. To persist, to prove them wrong, that was in essence how Rhory wanted to make a difference. Granted, she wanted to be a spiteful thorn...
  12. Rhory Grimmere

    Open Chronicles Just One More

    "Hells that you are going out there, Felix." Her eyes stared into him. Rhory was beside him, slumped but her voice carried a strength she was not feeling in that moment. Exhaustion wished to claim her, but she was terrified to close her eyes. What if she never woke up again? "We... we need a...
  13. Rhory Grimmere

    Completed The Reward of Loyalty

    Rhory's face turned seething. She got up from her spot, standing on the rock she had been draped over, but a fury upon her facade. "Disposable?" The Guardswoman laughed derisively, as if Garron were present and had said such a thing. "We are not disposable. We are living, breathing men and...
  14. Rhory Grimmere

    Completed The Reward of Loyalty

    Rhory did not acknowledge that her honesty came as a surprise to her. She did not even get to follow up with a "Maybe there is hope for the future." Not after seeing Kristen's hurt over her face. It made Rhory feel for her, as if she had shattered the painted glass around her friend and showed...
  15. Rhory Grimmere

    Completed The Reward of Loyalty

    Rhory did not answer straight away. Her expression gave away nothing of her thoughts, or react to the delivery of the posed question. Instead, she took in the quiet and serenity, looking out to the direction of where the stream flowed. The sound of the babbling brook filled her with calmness...