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  • Been incredibly busy Ill try to post this afternoon before work or tomorrow afternoon, I haven’t forgotten!
    take your time! ^_^
    So I recently realized I hardly use the discord as much as I used to so, in the middle of winter cleaning myself of a good bit of my 20 discords I left this sites discord. Just dm me here if you want to contact me, its gonna be a rough holidays for me but to make it a little better is to make my discord less overwhelming. Don’t worry Ill be posting to the site, just not to discord. Peace!
    Got two more nights of work (including today) then I will be back on day shift in Monday :) so dont expect posts from me xD until friday morning or the weekend when I am transitioning to days.
    Sorry I had disappeared for a bit :) my partner flown in from overseas and we’ve been spending the whole time with each other lol. Ill try to set aside some time for here as he sleeps right now :)
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