Recent content by Razareal

  1. Razareal

    Fae Courts Trophy Hunted

    The Sidhe chewed idly on a mushroom, the mealy texture lingering against his tongue even after he swallowed. Ceinwyn seemed an innocent type. Razareal wouldn't go so far as to call her naive; such a phrase was insulting for a multitude of reasons. No, she simply lacked experience with those...
  2. Razareal

    Fae Courts Trophy Hunted

    High Fae? Razareal hardly considered himself to be of any higher status than that of the faun guiding him. If anything, he was lesser; He, a servant and protector of life and she a shining example of it at it's very finest. Nevertheless, he did not object to her words, nor did he appear to note...
  3. Razareal

    Fae Courts Trophy Hunted

    Even if Ceinwyn had tried to be more outgoing with the Knight now accompanying her, it would have been rather in vain. Razareal was equally, if not more inept at speaking to those he didn't know. It had come with being raised to fight, and growing up in isolation from the rest of his kind. There...
  4. Razareal

    Fae Courts Trophy Hunted

    The irksome Nymph clearly had her own reasons for coming to Ceinwyn's aide, and they didn't center her well-being. Were she not so antagonistic, the Spring Knight may well have found sympathy for her plight, but now she stormed off in a huff, and it was only out of concern for the Faun that he...
  5. Razareal

    Fae Courts Let us speak of war on the morrow, tonight let us drink

    Drinking and merriment wasn't something Razareal was very skilled at, even if he should have been celebrating the fact that the Erlking hadn't sought to slay him for his abrasive intervention between Oakley and Dagda. There would be no groveling; The Knight stood by what he'd done, even if it...
  6. Razareal

    Private Tales The Sun and Its Shade in Spring

    Elida's wonder had indeed captured the attention of the living, breathing world around her. Razareal had noted the interest of the Air Spirits and the Nymphs as well, but those eyes had been following them since well before they arrived at the lake. Why was it that Elida only just now seemed to...
  7. Razareal

    Fae Courts Let us speak of war on the morrow, tonight let us drink

    Razareal quietly regarded the Erlking's words. He was correct, of that he'd no doubt. Even so, that they were obligated to humor such unpleasant company left a decidedly rotten taste in the back of the knight's throat. At the mention of the Kelpies, he nodded his head slowly in agreement...
  8. Razareal

    Fae Courts Let us speak of war on the morrow, tonight let us drink

    Even months after making this Court of Autumn his temporary home in the early tides of warfare, Razareal still could not settle the feeling of anxiety and detachment that permeated his being as he watched the solstice celebration unfold from the shade, standing a short distance behind The...
  9. Razareal

    Private Tales The Sun and Its Shade in Spring

    A lack of a resolution felt as unsatisfying in this emotional tug-of-war between them as it did in any other battle. He'd neither won nor lost, leaving him back where he'd started. No, as Elida curtly asked if her body had been cleansed, he wondered if perhaps he'd actually lost ground with the...
  10. Razareal

    Private Tales The Sun and Its Shade in Spring

    For all the iron in the world that could sear his flesh, none of it could claim to be as hard as Razareal's body, as unyielding as his resolve and determination. Yet even so, Elida eroded his defenses with only the slightest touch. Her lips and hands tore through the shell he'd so proudly worn...
  11. Razareal

    Private Tales The Sun and Its Shade in Spring

    Razareal felt his body come alive against her as she arched, memories of the night prior fresh in his mind, the warmth of her body against his enough to send him spiraling from any focus or responsibility if he did not oversee his hands and eyes. The grazed lips across his face only drew...
  12. Razareal

    Private Tales The Sun and Its Shade in Spring

    Elida stepped ever closer to the pure waters of the lake. Her pace was not eager, but trepidatious and fearful. Even as the single garment that concealed her beautifully sculpted form fell to the vibrant grass beneath her and her skin glimmered in the sunbeams overhead, Razareal could look...
  13. Razareal

    Private Tales The Sun and Its Shade in Spring

    Far be it from Razareal to speak ill of his King's habits, but the Sower couldn't deny Nairth's hedonistic ways did seem to leave him with various lovers. Of course, that wasn't unordinary for a Duanann of such status, but hearing Elida's distaste for it in this scenario did bring a coy smile to...
  14. Razareal

    Private Tales The Sun and Its Shade in Spring

    Razareal's expression as he looked down at the Sidhe in his arms shifted from unease to amusement as she pried further into his actions, following a trail of invisible evidence into what she believed his reasoning was. And she was correct, on a few counts. Razareal did still intend to report...
  15. Razareal

    Private Tales The Sun and Its Shade in Spring

    A crush? It was such a childish term, one he hadn't heard since his own youth. Normally he would have scoffed at the notion he was so haplessly smitten with a woman he'd only just met, and yet as she leaned forward with skin practically glowing and pores alight with the energy he knew to be his...