Recent content by Raaji

  1. Raaji

    Private Tales Chance Encounter in a Sandy Land [Violet x Raaji]

    Once they entered the alcove and sat down, Raaji's inspecting stare seemed to unsettle his companion. But Raaji then nodded confirmingly and repeated the word the slave was trying to pronounce. Name. He pronounced the word slower and clearer, so his new fellow had a better understanding of how...
  2. Raaji

    Private Tales Chance Encounter in a Sandy Land [Violet x Raaji]

    His companion refused the offered bottle, pointing back to Raaji, moving his hands like he would push the bottle with an invicible force away, gesturing that the bottle should be with Raaji. Well, maybe his fellow had already taken a sip. After Raaji attached the bottle to his belt, they...
  3. Raaji

    Private Tales Strange tales of Jakub Corvinus

    Raaji smirked a bit. Wow, this fellow was sure quick to judge without knowing much about his intentions at all. While it was true that Raaji was an assassin, he hadn't mentioned the fact with a single word. But it was usual for people to think assassins would just kill when they have been tasked...
  4. Raaji

    Private Tales Chance Encounter in a Sandy Land [Violet x Raaji]

    Raaji seemed to have confused the other man with his words. Even though the slave nodded, his facial features spoke a different language. Raaji's gaze remained a bit longer on his fellow, while the slave already averted his. Maybe his new companion even felt uncomfortable now? Raaji didn't add a...
  5. Raaji

    Private Tales Strange tales of Jakub Corvinus

    This man was taller than average, but that didn't intimidate Raaji much. Tall people were also generally more sluggish in their movements. And Raaji had already killed various people, some taller than him, like orcs. Not that he had any intention of killing this one, he had no reason to. But...
  6. Raaji

    Private Tales Chance Encounter in a Sandy Land [Violet x Raaji]

    Raaji noticed how the slave somehow inspected him, but he didn't wondered about this. Maybe the slave looked like that at him because Raaji was wounded and the ripped and blood-soaked fabric attracted his gaze. He didn't knew but also didn't think about it, there were more urgent things...
  7. Raaji

    Fable - Ask Within the Twilight

    His target really stopped at the crystal wall and she didn't seem to have some tricks or magical skills to get somehow around it. She really turned around and rushed now towards him. As he saw her coming closer Raaji wasn't sure if this was really the better option than chasing after her. He...
  8. Raaji

    Private Tales Strange tales of Jakub Corvinus

    Raaji looked up at the building in whose garden he was standing. The house was huge, but all the trees and vines, all the ornaments on the building, they gave him good opportunities to climb it up. It was perhaps just not his best idea that he had choosen the night for his undertaking. Normally...
  9. Raaji

    Private Tales Chance Encounter in a Sandy Land [Violet x Raaji]

    Raaji frowned as the slavers urged him, he felt somewhat provoked by that. Of course those man were in need and therefore stressed. But the voice was somewhat condescending and commanding, that it had sounded less like distress than blaming. Raaji indeed hurried up to help. He would not turn...
  10. Raaji

    Private Tales Chance Encounter in a Sandy Land [Violet x Raaji]

    Raaji frowned as the man in front of him first coughed, then cleared his throat before uttering a sound. And then it was just two hoarsely stuttered words. Perhaps his throat was dry, so that he said only the most necessary. But the two words, their meaning and the gesture, with showing the...
  11. Raaji

    Fable - Ask Within the Twilight

    Raaji's eyes widened. Not because he missed, but how close. It looked from this distance as if he had hit her, he even had sliced her hood, but no blood was spurting and that would definitely have happened if the blade had slit her throat. She did not flinch in fright, did not seemed confused...
  12. Raaji

    Private Tales Chance Encounter in a Sandy Land [Violet x Raaji]

    Raaji listened to the soft trickle of sand with each step his camel made. His eyes were only half open, peering tiredly out of his headscarf. His face and most of his body were covered by cloth to provide protection from the sand and blazing sun. He would take a break soon, it was not very...
  13. Raaji

    Fable - Ask Within the Twilight

    Raaji reached the street corner where she had turned just in time to see his target entering a building. He looked for signs that could tell him what the building was for and quickly recognized a sign. He was too far away to read the inscription and his Kaliti wasn't that good anyway, he would...
  14. Raaji

    Fable - Ask Within the Twilight

    Raaji strolled through the streets or so it seemed. Different languages and voices clashed here within the busy streets, creating an incomprehensible murmur that buzzed above the crowd like a swarm of insects. And so different people and colors of clothes intertwined, following two different...
  15. Raaji