Recent content by Perrine Urahil

  1. Perrine Urahil

    Open Chronicles Flowers In The Ash

    Perrine's shoulder fell, unable to bring herself to wake the young goblin. "At least the poor thing can sleep." She stated, pulling a blanket from the chair to cover the youngling. Standing, she turned around and missed Edric's gaze wandering over the new Tyrian. Perrine's eyes narrowed...
  2. Perrine Urahil

    Open Chronicles Flowers In The Ash

    This was not the first time she had stepped foot in such an establishment, but to be here with strangers, in a foreign city, and not at all on Dreadlord duty had left Perrine averting her gaze. She was glad for the young goblin to speak. "Girl? What girl?" Perrine clicked her tongue...
  3. Perrine Urahil

    Open Chronicles Flowers In The Ash

    "What on..." "That's the sort of people that live in thi—" "I did not ask for your commentary, Initiate." Perrine turned around and narrowed her eyes at Initiate Lansell. "You should be respectful. This is a city worlds apart from Vel Anir, and if your words get you into strife, then I will...
  4. Perrine Urahil

    Open Chronicles Heart & Hearth Day - 2025

    My darling Val Pirian , I am not one for words, and so I will keep this short. This painting is unique as I have worked my hardest to paint our first portrait together. This is your likeness in my artist’s eye, and my own depiction with the help of a mirror. I will always remember our trip to...
  5. Perrine Urahil

    Open Chronicles Flowers In The Ash

    She furrowed her brows. "Why are you looking at me like that? You told me to take this one." Perrine patted the arm of the youngling in cradled to her. But she sighed. Rolled her eyes and shoved the goblin into him to take. "Stay here. Do not let the Anirians see you." Perrine then dipped...
  6. Perrine Urahil

    Private Tales Bones and A Beating Heart

    Perrine smiled, leaning towards Val and pulling him in for a soft kiss. Upon those kissed lips she would murmur, "Thank you for being delicate on the matter, but there is no need to worry. I have healed elves, shifters, goblins... I am not like my family in those views." She pulled away, her...
  7. Perrine Urahil

    Private Tales Bones and A Beating Heart

    Dornoch had been an enchantment come to life. All her senses came alive, but nothing could ever replace the sights of the city. The architecture was unlike anything she had seen in all her life. Perrine was delighted, unable to keep the smile from her lips as she glued herself to the seat by...
  8. Perrine Urahil

    Open Chronicles Flowers In The Ash

    Perrine stepped back to let him pass, following him closely as she readjusted her hold on the youngling. "Been to Tyr before, then?" She asked, quickly keeping conversation up so the young goblin would not sense the pressing dangers closing in on them. She had been here once before, as an...
  9. Perrine Urahil

    Open Chronicles Flowers In The Ash

    Perrine was unfamilar with blue orcs. As an Anirian, she was far more accepting of those that were not human, more than the average Anirian hailing from the great city found on the continent of Liadain. The young goblin was content in her arms, answering the questions with ease after her sweets...
  10. Perrine Urahil

    Open Chronicles Flowers In The Ash

    Sweets. Perrine's hand went to the small travel bag she had kept on her person for the day while the Initiates were touring. Inside she had a box of hard sugar treats that would satisfy the young goblin. Producing them, she was rewarded a smile that she returned, watching as they popped it into...
  11. Perrine Urahil

    Open Chronicles Flowers In The Ash

    Familiarity struck Perrine at the name of the girl, for being a Proctor, she had certainly heard things about past Initiates and talk amongst the other Proctors. She was not here to play Anirian, nor did she care to even invoke any laws while leagues away from home. When the youngling said...
  12. Perrine Urahil

    Open Chronicles Flowers In The Ash

    Perrine waited five strides before making the call to scoop the youngling from the ground, for something so small was not making as much haste as she had expected. In her arms again, she cooed at them while navigating an exit. She paid not much attention to the other child, the one that seemed...
  13. Perrine Urahil

    Open Chronicles Flowers In The Ash

    Perrine set the small goblin down. "You are safe, alright?" She smiled, without showing teeth. Her gaze followed Edric, tensing as he went to the door and let in a small child. Her first thought had been whether or not the fugitive had time to father a child, but upon closer inspection, she...
  14. Perrine Urahil

    Private Tales Bones and A Beating Heart

    Perrine never knew how intimate a simple brush of the hand could be, or how nice of a sensation it was to have him play with her flaxen hair. Her eyes found his, staring at him with an emotion she was not aware she made, for it only came about whenever he was around. "Perrine Urahil runs into...
  15. Perrine Urahil

    Open Chronicles Flowers In The Ash

    Perri stared at the small goblin, taking in the crying with a grimace before crossing the room to grab a cloth and folding it in half and reaching for the young goblin from Edric's grasp. "Can you not see the similarities?" But she did not wait for an answer, as the woman began to wrap and...