Recent content by Percy Slayer

  1. Percy Slayer

    Open Chronicles Banquets and Banners

    A flash of surprise passed across Percy's features, quickly replaced by an expression of pure glee. He gracefully took the princess' hand, leading her to the center of the floor, ignoring the looks of jealousy he had received, not unused to the expression on others' faces. He twirled her gently...
  2. Percy Slayer

    Open Chronicles Banquets and Banners

    Percy smiled to himself as he felt the princess' eyes upon him, and idly spun a ring too large for his thin and quick hands on a single finger. He noticed the crowd had grown in size, gravitating away from the silent yet beautiful lady. Percy made up his mind. "Care for a dance, my lady?" He...
  3. Percy Slayer

    Open Chronicles The Lonesome Rabbit

    Percy nodded excitedly. "Sure! It would be an honor to eat with lovely ladies such as yourselves." he said, and winked, brain and satchel full and ready to get going. Nothing was out of his price range at this point, and he was excited to get going to different places. "Any ideas?" He asked...
  4. Percy Slayer

    Open Chronicles The Lonesome Rabbit

    Percy looked startled at the idea of being eaten, and his nose twitched, thumping his foot on the ground in protest. "I wouldn't be very tasty," he said nervously, and laughed at the mention of jewels. "Of course, how smart of you to notice my magic tricks." He payed no mind to the fact that the...
  5. Percy Slayer

    Open Chronicles The Lamb That Ran

    "Hello," he says back politely, and smiles with such brightness, he seemed like a kid that had gotten sweets. He turned to address the Orc, who was twice the size of the small rabbit. "Curious," he said again, and looked the Orc up and down. "Sorry, I've never seen your species before. Orcs are...
  6. Percy Slayer

    Open Chronicles The Lonesome Rabbit

    Percy snickered at the exclamation, and in the process, dropped "his" jewel in front of a rather large tiger. Panicked, he leaned down to scoop it up, and murmured an apology under his breath, looking up to be face to face with the huge creature. "Wow," he breathed, knowing he should probably...
  7. Percy Slayer

    Open Chronicles Banquets and Banners

    The rabbit elegantly made his way through the crowd, exclamations of missing jewelry following him close behind. His elegant clothes were tailored to suit him perfectly, emphasizing his lean legs that hopped. He flirted with ladies and scowled at their jealous husbands, who were too keen on...
  8. Percy Slayer

    Open Chronicles The Lonesome Rabbit

    The rabbit-folk sniffed the air, curiously traveling the markets in the foreign land that he hadn't been to before. Lush exotic plants were on sale, reaching out to potential buyers with bright colors and floral smells, while the food stalls smelt of promises of a full happy stomach, if you had...
  9. Percy Slayer

    Open Chronicles The Lamb That Ran

    Percy hopped into the promising Inn, careful to have a good hold on his satchel. He was a thief, a magician of the arts of trickery, and knew better than to idly walk in without a hand protectively over his coin. He saw a small crowd gathered around a lady, talking to each other, one man's voice...
  10. Percy Slayer

    Open Chronicles From the Embers of the Lost

    Percy wasn't convinced by the smile, but at the pheasant's voice he quickly put the dagger away and ran to her side. "Do you... know these people?" He asked, cautiously judging the man and the shuck with his eyes. He could smell blood coming off of the black shuck, and the smell of another...
  11. Percy Slayer

    Open Chronicles Birds in the Bush

    Percy looked over at the hooded man, and smiled brightly every time the man glanced at him in return. Turning back to the man on the table, he let out a startled honk noise at seeing the man's bloodshot eyes fixated on him. He was awake! Which was good news, yet Percy squirmed uncomfortably...
  12. Percy Slayer

    Open Chronicles A Compass that only points... down?

    Percy bristled at being addressed by his species. He quickly hop-walked to get some bandages by the wall, but by the time he had gotten there, everyone else had already come to her aid. He frowned, scolding himself for miraculously being so slow. "Sorry, dear lady," He said, and puffed up his...
  13. Percy Slayer

    Open Chronicles A Compass that only points... down?

    Percy looked at the rag, and began to wipe down the tables happily, skip-walking around to each table and scrubbing them down happily. He didn't need to pay, so that was always a welcome surprise. "Hello!" He chimed at the dryad who entered, smiling brightly. "The person you're probably...
  14. Percy Slayer

    Open Chronicles A Compass that only points... down?

    Percy's ears flickered from behind the tall man who requested cool ale and rum, and he sighed in annoyance when he learned he was too late, and sighed. "Is there possibly a way I might join this group of late folk?" He asked politely from his spot in the doorway, and a tired smile made its way...
  15. Percy Slayer

    Open Chronicles Birds in the Bush

    Percy snapped his mouth shut and impatiently continued to tap his food on the wooden floors, much more gently than previously as to not disturb the healer. He kept glancing at the tall brooding mercenary, curious as to what he was going to do next. Why had the man assumed that Gavril was to...