Recent content by Orissa

  1. Orissa

    Private Tales Fraternal Diplomacy

    Orissa reached for Kaveh's arm, her hands gripping him tightly. She was afraid, the grip only hiding how much her hands had turned to shaking now that their audience with the King had come to an end. "When can I see my dragon?" She murmured softly. She had missed her Ransa dearly, had been...
  2. Orissa

    Open Chronicles Heart & Hearth Day - 2025

    To the one I am to marry soon, I believe that fate brought us together, and that me bringing you back to life that day was the gods giving me a bond that could not break. You have made me the happiest and made me feel safe. I love you, Jensen Araelor. Yours always, Orissa
  3. Orissa

    Private Tales Fraternal Diplomacy

    "You may even liaise with my Gilded Guard if you require the history between... my family and that of Casimir Reverois." The wounds still ran deep from that time, and the most recent events left those barely healed wounds gaping open. Going over all the history would leave her bones being...
  4. Orissa

    Completed The Fool You Need

    "She is under protection." Orissa answered. "You have a resourceful friend that is ensuring no one touches her. Protection I also have offered as is the law." No dragon was to be harmed if their rider was incarcerated. The distance between the bonded was punishment enough. "And you can trust...
  5. Orissa

    Completed The Fool You Need

    Orissa to her credit did not frown. She was patient and listened, because that was the reaction she had expected. Even Jensen warned her against bringing this up, but Orissa had a personal stake in all of this. "Oh, believe me, despite the love I have for my family, I know when their love can...
  6. Orissa

    Completed The Fool You Need

    Her face softened. "I made promise to Jensen that I would see to you before you were ordered to the front lines." She frowned, not liking the sound of his voice. "But I am here to insist you are well and taken care of before getting there. I am afraid I cannot get you out of this..." Orissa...
  7. Orissa

    Private Tales Fraternal Diplomacy

    Orissa did not know what else to say. Kaveh's words were enough to render her silent, overcome with emotions she had been doing her best to hold in. It would have been the Princess thing to do, but Orissa was suffering from a shame no one else would begin to comprehend. She had come here...
  8. Orissa

    Completed The Fool You Need

    "Please, set him on this chair." Anxiety had been chewing at her for days, that news of Cullen's imprisonment had been too late to reach the Princess for her to intervene. He was a friend of Jensen's, one of his best, and she had promised her betrothed that she would see him, talk to him...
  9. Orissa

    Private Tales Fraternal Diplomacy

    Orissa did not stop her brother from laying out all his threats. Even when eyes were upon her, begging for her to pull the reins on her brother, Orissa only lifted her head to challenge the King. He hesitated, frustration clear on his expression that he was to be challenged this way before...
  10. Orissa

    Private Tales Fraternal Diplomacy

    Power came through different paths, and Orissa felt that this power that came from fear was the most intoxicating feeling she ever felt. Rage and anger were ice that burned, but fear was rare when it came to answering crimes before the Prince and Princess of Thanasis. Orissa was well loved at...
  11. Orissa

    Private Tales Fraternal Diplomacy

    Orissa looked to his hand, the promise it gave if she took it. But not only that, he had called it her justice. The Princess of Thanasis took the chance of seeing it through. Kaveh led her through the Yurelian palace, but never made her feel as if she were passenger on this display. No, he...
  12. Orissa

    Private Tales Fraternal Diplomacy

    Perhaps the reason for Orissa being close with her tounger brother was the fact he was the one able to act on the raging fire she felt the embers of. They were of the same blood and flame, a balance on the scales. She loved him dearly, was his first protector when their older brothers began to...
  13. Orissa

    Private Tales Fraternal Diplomacy

    Alarm, fear, and panic, flashed in her dark eyes, but Orissa stared at Kaveh for a moment before nodding. She had a dark thought, one that made her uneasy when caught in her morals. Jensen had a friend that was Marked, a friend that had no choice but to be loyal to Thanasis despite the...
  14. Orissa

    Private Tales Fraternal Diplomacy

    Orissa was glad to have not unpacked every single thing she had brought with her for the duration of their stay. Tearful and sniffling, the Princess began to stuff her things into whatever trunks, not paying attention to properly folding her dresses to avoid creases, nor paying mind to tossing...
  15. Orissa

    Private Tales Fraternal Diplomacy

    The fire that Kaveh had breathed now left a cold chill to shiver through Orissa. She was quiet for a moment, her eyes staring but not seeing, rocked by his words and his fury. In the smallest voice she could muster, as if the air may be transferring false words, the Princess of Thanasis would...