Recent content by Oda

  1. Oda

    Open Chronicles Those Beneath

    The light from both the makeshift torch and the sconce now lit did little to assuage the creeping abyss of the larger chamber. It was clear that this place was meant to have more of the torches the moon dragon had already found, but lighting all of them could take hours. The massive chamber...
  2. Oda

    Open Chronicles Those Beneath

    The journey through the tunnels was an uncomfortable one for the Dragon's of Thanasis. The corridors were tight, small, and seemed to wind and shift without any reason or real explanation. Thus was the nature of the Drawgur's design. Much of what they dug was not for the expansion of the city...
  3. Oda

    Open Chronicles Those Beneath

    Arkhys crawled through the tunnels like his reptile forebears. Wings folded tight against his back, head snaking left and right, mouth agape with the slight light of black flames flickering along the path. Besides him tread Oda, his steps echoing within the halls of the tunnel. The other Riders...
  4. Oda

    Open Chronicles Those Beneath

    Malakath - Terragrith Mountains - Grackthall There were few things in this world that could make Oda feel uncomfortable. He had faced the breath of a dragon. The Axe of a man trying to kill him. The poison of a woman scorned. Over his lifetime he had been cut, bruised, broken, and torn into...
  5. Oda

    Thunder of Thanasis The Razing of Volara

    "Oda" The Savage correct, never stopping in his stride. Not when the woman offered her unneeded approval, not when the girl begged yet another question of him. The brute had taught this lesson before, though her mind had likely been swimming with the other lessons lost to the wind when he had...
  6. Oda

    Thunder of Thanasis The Razing of Volara

    Oda's face did not change as his team assembled. A girl of less years than his own daughter, and a spoiled child of the moon. He did not care for their providence, nor for their desires. Both would learn, or they would be left behind as corpses within the walls of Volara. As they stalked...
  7. Oda

    Fate - First Reply The Pits of Akah

    Malakath - The City of Akah "KILL HIM!" "END IT NOW!" The chants resounded again and again, echoing from the stands above and thundering down into the pits of the arena. They called and cheered, they hounded and begged for blood. Each of them desperate for their own need. To win a bet placed...
  8. Oda

    Thunder of Thanasis The Razing of Volara

    Malakath - Three Miles Outside Volara - Thanasis Army Camp "There are too many Ballista." Prince Mehren spoke with the authority of command one would expect of his position. Everyone within the tent listened, and few would question. Oda stood towards the back of the tent. Lingering and...
  9. Odacrin of the Crimson Peaks

  10. Oda

    Private Tales Blade In The Dark

    Salitra - Palace He had been watching the Palace for three days, three very long days. Fade had never much liked the heat, ironic given the desert that surrounded his home, but up in the Arrek's things usually tended to be a bit more cool. Not that he had any trouble staying in the shade...
  11. Fade