Recent content by Noemi

  1. Noemi

    Fate - First Reply A Copper For Her Time?

    Noemi washed up quickly, yet thoroughly. Her anxiety drove her to finish up before Molgar and Teeks could come to their senses and take off with her blade. There would be time for a nice, relaxing soak some day but tonight was not it. She worked to rid herself of the sea, sweat, and blood stink...
  2. Noemi

    Fate - First Reply A Copper For Her Time?

    Noemi listened, her eyes flitted to Teeks and her brow raised slightly as he seemed perhaps a bit worked up about something. Molgars offer for Teeks to pay and the look in the Kobolds eye along with his change in tone made her wonder if perhaps he wasn't too happy about her joining them, but she...
  3. Noemi

    Fate - First Reply A Copper For Her Time?

    Noemi enjoyed her food mostly in solitude, periodically interrupted by various drunkards that she would curtly address in a manner that made them retreat with their tails between their legs. She seemed otherwise unphased by these interactions. She would occasionally clap and hum along with the...
  4. Noemi

    Fate - First Reply A Copper For Her Time?

    Noemi nodded as she listened intently to Molgars terms. His advice about Teeks brought an amused smile to her face. It was well placed advice, she admitted to herself, the goofy little lizard was so cute she would have likely lost herself a finger otherwise. She shook her head, as he offered...
  5. Noemi

    Fate - First Reply A Copper For Her Time?

    Noemi slid the blade back into its sheath and nodded as she listened to Molgar. The job sounded promising - driving a band of brigands out of a summer home couldn’t be too difficult. She had seen the orc’s strength and the kobold’s fury and knew they would be formidable allies. An opportunity...
  6. Noemi

    Fate - First Reply A Copper For Her Time?

    Noemis eyes narrowed as he mentioned her dagger, briefly concerned he would demand it as payment. When his question became one of her personal skills, she relaxed a bit. She produced the ornate, gold gilded dagger and laid it on the table in front of herself. It was the only object of any value...
  7. Noemi

    Fate - First Reply A Copper For Her Time?

    Noemis smile faded quickly and she muttered a few elvish curses under her breath. This excursion became more trouble than it was worth by the second. Her mind was swimming with ways that she could get out of the situation, but she steeled herself. Any attempt to get out of this debt would likely...
  8. Noemi

    Fate - First Reply A Copper For Her Time?

    Noemi dusted herself off as she watched the captain dragged out of the tavern by his beaten and battered crew. Perhaps overkill should be her second name, she thought, before the orc came to properly introduce himself. "My name is Noemi," She nodded courteously. "A pleasure to meet you both,"...
  9. Noemi

    Fate - First Reply A Copper For Her Time?

    One of the men by the door, just a younger gentleman who'd likely never been in a fight, looked horrified. As his partner began closing in, he took the initiative to... sprint out the door. Nobody came in after him so it appeared that the captain, not expecting such a fight, had only brought a...
  10. Noemi

    Fate - First Reply A Copper For Her Time?

    Noemi shot a disdainful look at the barkeep, who was watching them arms crossed and almost smug. She wondered how bored he must be of his job that he would willfully let a potentially deadly fight break out in his tavern. Her eyes then scanned over the circle that had formed around them along...
  11. Noemi

    Fate - First Reply A Copper For Her Time?

    The elfs eyes drifted towards the sound of the piercing voice, and her brow arched at the sight of its source. An Orc was not a surprising sight, but an orcish bard traveling with a fiddling kobold was an odd vision for sure. She nodded in approval and a smile passed her lips as they began to...
  12. Noemi

    Fate - First Reply A Copper For Her Time?

    Shouts and curses rang through the docks, a telltale sign a captain realized he had been swindled. Noemi smirked as she heard him call to his crew, as she had already pulled up the hood on her mantle and slipped into the crowd. She adjusted her pack on her shoulder as she dipped and dived...
  13. Noemi

    Image upload thread

  14. Noemi