Recent content by Njáll

  1. Njáll

    Fate - First Reply Twice Bitten

    Njall stopped, staring down at Emmeline. "Shit." Was it possible these damn things were being sent to search for someone? "TUROS!" Njall shouted down the hall, pointing his hatchet towards Emmeline and directing her to follow along behind him. The other Hunter was busy sealing up another part...
  2. Njáll

    Open Chronicles Sorrow in Sincorino

    The moment Eren's hand drew to the hilt of his sword something seemed to change about the Nordwiir. Despite the slight stupor he was still clearly in, a seriousness washed over him. Though he was far louder and more boisterous than most of his kind. the people of the Lost Isles were ones of...
  3. Njáll

    Open Chronicles Sorrow in Sincorino

    Down towards the docks the three of them went. Turas still wasn't entirely sure, but Njall fetched another ale for them as they were heading out the door and by the time the scent of water filled their noses the boy was all bravado. "We are SO gonna KILL that freaking thing!" He practically...
  4. Njáll

    Fable - Ask [NY]The Bleeding Forest

    "Hm." Njall considered to himself, wondering if perhaps he was the one that was strange out of the three of them? Before he could ask another short-talk question, their attentions were grabbed by the large tree that Gannis pointed out. The huge trunk was wrapped in a white bark which climbed...
  5. Njáll

    Open Chronicles Sorrow in Sincorino

    Njall grinned Erën. It was nice working with a professional. Not that the other Yaegir's weren't, but he found that quite a few were far too stoic for their own good. "Good lad." The Northman said with another clap of the shoulder. There were worse things in the universe than being bait, and...
  6. Njáll

    Fate - First Reply Twice Bitten

    "Tombs hosts." Turos said the other name, but quickly realized it wouldn't help Emmeline much. "It's a burial ground of sorts, created by massacres, sometimes Necromancers. Draw the undead, sometimes even makes him if things go wrong." Njall nodded his head as he helped shove some of the...
  7. Njáll

    Fable - Ask [NY]The Bleeding Forest

    The Nordwiir grinned wide at Monroe. "I would not suggest it." Something had happened when he'd tasted the blood. A surge of...power had rushed through him. It reminded him of a drug he'd once taken in the Summersea city of Teth, though far more effective. Were he of a more academic mind, the...
  8. Njáll

    Open Chronicles Sorrow in Sincorino

    "Njáll." The Northman countered quickly, but it was not him who had the objections. "You're insane." The boy did not mean it as an insult, that much became almost instantly clear. The fear in his eyes spoke simply of the fact that this was not something he wanted to do. Though not a complete...
  9. Njáll

    Fate - First Reply Twice Bitten

    Njall's eyes snapped open. The Nordwiir rarely slept, a benediction of his blessing from the Dark Gods, but when he did it was always shallow. The sound of Emmeline's boots thundered on wooden floor as she rushed towards Turos' room, the hunter she left behind muttering a quiet prayer to the...
  10. Njáll

    Open Chronicles Sorrow in Sincorino

    Njáll grunted. "Back home, the oceans between the Isles are haunted by the Hafgufa." "This reminds me of them." The beasts were creatures of sea and water. Though they had no one form, the tales told of them whispered of reaching tendrils and maws three times the size of men. This was not them...
  11. Njáll

    Open Chronicles Sorrow in Sincorino

    The mirth fell away as Njall leaned in to the boys words. Listening to every scrap of detail that he could find and trying his best to piece it all together. It had not taken him long to discover that Monsters here in the Summerlands were different to those of his home. Some held similar...
  12. Njáll

    Fate - First Reply Twice Bitten

    Njall tilted his head in a nod. He did not know the men of the south as he did those in the Isles, but there was no split of greed. At home they did not trade in gold or coin, like the summerlands did, but that did not mean he was a stranger to the avarice of his fellow man. It was the rule of...
  13. Njáll

    Open Chronicles Sorrow in Sincorino

    The Sincornio Tavern, or the Painted Pony as it was known by locals, did indeed already have someone more alike. Or at least, someone who was here for more alike purpose. A loud thunk rang out through the Tavern, followed by half a dozen cheers and one Inn-Keeper shouting. "YOU'LL BE PAYIN FOR...
  14. Njáll

    Fable - Ask [NY]The Bleeding Forest

    "Good Dog." Njall complemented the barrel of a Hound as he picked himself up and off the ground. His bloody hatchet dripping with the shimmering crimson. Shoulder rolling as he checked the wolf hadn't ripped his arm from it's socket. His gaze flickering up the trail of blood Gannis pointed out...
  15. Njáll

    Fate - First Reply Twice Bitten

    "Ah, so you have experience with a different kind of monster." Njall said, flashing her a quick grin as they stepped into the confines of the small house. Back in the Isles, something of this size would have been considered a manor. Most of his kind lived in homes barely scraped from the earth...