Recent content by Neo

  1. Neo

    Fate - First Reply What has happened?

    Neo's eyes went wide and he hunched his shoulders guiltily. But still he remained in place to be in position should this guy try anything. Neo looked up, forgetting he was pretending to be dumb. "Hold up! A cure for a vampirism? Are you saying it IS possible, or that you THINK it's possible? In...
  2. Neo

    Fate - First Reply What has happened?

    This room was way too clean, which was really strange, he had never smelled a room this clean, or anything else for that matter. All the houses he had ever been to, even the houses of very wealthy people (Good for begging tasty treats off of) were never this clean. Neo blinked at the man that...
  3. Neo

    Fate - First Reply What has happened?

    He stood up on the bed and shook himself out of the blanket, his ears flopping around his head. He looked critically around the room and the white surroundings, there was a window letting in sunshine, that was a good sign. "Ah, that's just as well, I have no clue either. It's nice to meet you...
  4. Neo

    Fate - First Reply What has happened?

    Neo loved beds, he rarely got to sleep in a bed unless it was money savvy Alliria that only cared that he could afford their exorbitant prices. But when he halfway came to in the middle of the night in a comfy bed with a blanket draped over him like a cloak, his bags were on the floor beside the...
  5. Neo