Recent content by Neith

  1. Neith

    Private Tales Long Days of Rest

    'GO! NOW!' As Neith sprinted through the chaos, her senses heightened by the surge of power coursing through her veins, she felt a newfound speed propelling her forward. It was as if the very air around her yielded to her urgency, parting before her like waves before a ship's prow. People...
  2. Neith

    Private Tales Long Days of Rest

    Mar's power hit her like a wave of lyrum, and Neith was momentarily stunned by the intensity of the sensation. She had felt all sorts of power, but this was stronger than she was accustomed to. And yet, where most magick she stole never felt like her own, this seemed to fit her like a...
  3. Neith

    Private Tales Long Days of Rest

    Neith's eyes remained fixated on Cassidy as he made his daring run, her heart pounding in her chest with each swift movement. The world around her seemed to blur as the intensity of the moment took hold. A sharp scream escaped her lips as a spear thudded into the side of the carriage, her hand...
  4. Neith

    Private Tales Long Days of Rest

    Neith's slender brows dipped in confusion as Mar had been upset by something, and she'd been about to speak when she heard the demands above the rucus of the crowd. It took her a moment, but a cold knot formed in the pit of her stomach the moment she placed that voice. Jerrok. Her head whipped...
  5. Neith

    Private Tales Long Days of Rest

    As Cassidy's father and stepmother passed, Neith's gaze tracked them, frustration and helplessness welling up within her. She longed to do more, to impart a lesson to the treacherous woman and break the spell surely holding Cassidy's father captive. Despite the striking resemblance to Cassidy...
  6. Neith

    Private Tales Long Days of Rest

    Neith's expression remained stoic as she observed the spectacle unfolding before her. The vibrant festivities painted a facade of joy over the darker truths that lingered in the shadows of Inner Oban. Her heart raced with building anxiety, her heart pounding at the thought of losing Cassidy to...
  7. Neith

    Private Tales Long Days of Rest

    Ariella.. Her chest ached so terribly she feared it might tear open. Of course, Cassidy had everything once before, he had had this much to lose, and he'd lost it. Neith's eyes filled with more tears as her heart broke for him, and she moved back to him immediately, her hands seeking his face...
  8. Neith

    Private Tales Long Days of Rest

    Her heart raced, adrenaline surging through her veins, dizzying her senses. Pausing, she gripped the bedpost, seeking stability. Tight breaths hinted at an inner turmoil, and she struggled to calm herself. Yelling at him didn't feel right; she couldn't face his gaze after the outburst. Yet, it...
  9. Neith

    Private Tales Long Days of Rest

    Neith's lips curled and her eyes closed as she allowed the sweet domesticity of the moment ease her tension, at least a little. She sighed deeply, leaning back into him, but as he spoke, her brow furrowed and her eyes opened, and by the time he had finished letting her in on his plan she had...
  10. Neith

    Private Tales Long Days of Rest

    Neith woke early, the nerves she had kept at bay the previous night now crashing down on her tenfold. The Gods had stopped listening to her a long time ago, and so it had been many years since she had spoken to them, but as she lay watching Cassidy sleep, her mind whispered her plea that they...
  11. Neith

    Tiny little break

    Look after yourself, friend <3.
  12. Neith

    Private Tales Long Days of Rest

    Neith flashed a smile and felt her cheeks warm, a husky laugh tumbling from her lips as she turned to press a kiss to his cheek. The innkeeper cleared her throat, smiling fondly and shaking her head at the couple. "I'll have Bretta draw your bath while you sup, shall I?.." the older woman...
  13. Neith

    Private Tales Long Days of Rest

    Neith gave a sharp nod and tightened her grip on his hand. "Alright." she smiled softly. "I'm with you." she told him, leaning in to press a light kiss to his cheek. Neith knew that she would have done anything for the man sitting next to her right now. She didn't care what it was, only that it...
  14. Neith

    Private Tales Long Days of Rest

    “I know… I’m fine.” she told him quietly, a soft smile on her lips in appreciation of the comfort he offered. “I don’t expect to be recognised, it’s just.. not a comfortable place to be, for either of us. This place rips people apart. I just want to get this done and go home.” They deserved...
  15. Neith

    Private Tales Long Days of Rest

    The moment the city came into view, Neith felt her stomach twist. Her memories of the place were vague, but it was the last place she had ever lived with her mother and father, and the reason she had lost them. She despised it, and she hadn't realised just how much until right now. She was...