Recent content by Narumi Tsuri

  1. Narumi Tsuri

    LFG Dashing Sell-Sword for hire!

    Going to write a thread with Kiros about dealing with well dress goblin that will lead into discovering myself if your looking for adventure.
  2. Sylvie

    Arachne Steamstress
  3. Narumi Tsuri


    Beary nice to meet you.
  4. Narumi Tsuri

    Completed Bright Lights

    Brushing Griffyn's arms away as the man would unknowingly cause more trouble for himself if he touched her. Looking away as the guilt for what she had done to Griffyn pained her more than the lashes that swelled throughout her body. "I'm fine you should worry about yourself". With the...
  5. Narumi Tsuri

    Completed Bright Lights

    Oka returned Griffyn's words with silence as she looked over to the 'guards' who seemed to have lost control of their escort. Brushing off the guards as they were no more than rank amateurs placed by their family name instead of their ability as they could not even handle a man who doubtfully...
  6. Narumi Tsuri

    Completed Bright Lights

    Displeasure crept along Yuna's face as the boy suddenly lost his ability to speak no doubt her Daughters doing. "My dear boy you seem to be ill are you alright". While her tone carried the correct tune of empathy it was clear that she cared not for his well being. Motion around Griffyn as if she...
  7. Narumi Tsuri

    Completed Bright Lights

    "Narumi, my daughter it's so good of you to finally come home". Standing in the middle of a dojo was an Older Woman sharing similar features save for Narumi's signature jade eyes wearing a simple white kimono with the house simple on the back. However, unlike Narumi her Mother's dark brown eyes...
  8. Narumi Tsuri

    Completed Bright Lights

    Oka unlaced her sheathed blade from her belt tapping it against the cobble stone to echo out Griffyn's future or rather lack of future if he continued his question. However, unlike before, Narumi did not halt Oka's aggression toward Griffyn as the man was clearly taking advantage of the...
  9. Narumi Tsuri

    Completed Bright Lights

    iakis looked down as Griffyn complemented her hair, "....My Lady seems to also like my hair unlike my former master. She speaks of how she would prefer my hair over hers while likening me to a goddess of war". Crossing her arms around herself as she looked over to the doorway. "I do not agree as...
  10. Narumi Tsuri

    Completed Bright Lights

    Oka scoffed at Griffyn's bow as he had not shown the same courtesy towards her captain "A little too late to play the dashing lord, don't forget that we've been following you; why treat us any different than you've treated our captain". Narumi quickly shot Oka a look as to try to get her to play...
  11. Narumi Tsuri

    Completed Bright Lights

    Tuning her charge out the best she could as her words did nothing but egg on the man's whining and loop of self pity. Though even as she tried to enjoy her meal, Griffyn's words continued to sour any enjoyment she could have found in her first and possibly last time she would ever be able to...
  12. Narumi Tsuri

    Completed Bright Lights

    "Always back to question others you really dislike reflecting on yourself. Of course I am aware of the family dynamics of the citizenry. A son of a farmer will more than likely take the father's place". Narumi's smile faded as she lifted her head off of her hand. "The son can choose to become a...
  13. Narumi Tsuri

    Completed Bright Lights

    Releasing an overacted ha ha ha at Griffyn's naive comment on Dornoch lack of security. Careening her head up to the fortification then hung over all of Dornoch would show any onlooker that the dynasty's military might were mere moments away. "Before Dornoch became the capital it was a fort, and...
  14. Narumi Tsuri

    Completed Bright Lights

    Narumi held her takoyaki in front of her mouth to partially hide her amusement towards Griffyn's discovery that freshly cooked food is indeed hot. Slowly wagging the takoyaki side to side while she listened to Griffyn before blowing on the food as she took the first whole piece of golden good in...
  15. Narumi Tsuri

    Completed Bright Lights

    "Your acting like that is a bad thing, though I suppose given that Allria imports their food I should not be surprised that fresh food seems to unnerve you". Firing back a comment of her own as the Captain was not going to allow the slight against her home go unchallenged. Though while Narumi...