Recent content by Monroe

  1. M

    Fable - Ask The Druga

    There had been one night where Atlia had been descended upon by all sorts of people and beings. They had gathered because of word being spread across the Reach, hailing competition that would rival even that of the Tournament of Tides held in Alliria. It was the type of advertisement that should...
  2. M

    Open Chronicles The Weight of Feathers

    "Absolutely darling." Tall Ben was all shit eating grins, determined not to face Monroe in case her expression made him burst into a fit of laughter. He knew if that were to happen, she would gut him right here in the street. "If it weren't for this particular city, I would have fucked off...
  3. M

    Fable - Ask [NY]The Bleeding Forest

    Monroe paused. Never had she seen a being peer out from a tree in such a way, the surprise leaving her lost for words as she looked to Gannis and Njall. None of them made to speak, and she found herself stepping forward and bowing her head. That seemed the right thing to do... "My...
  4. M

    Open Chronicles Atlia Calls for Aid [Noct Yaegir]

    "You mean a bet like... fifteen coppers saying that the wyvern has gone elsewhere?" She frowned, slowly turning on the spot to regard her partner with an odd look. Monroe began to wonder what sort of Yaegir Sagarus was, for working alongside him was nothing she had anticipated when it came to...
  5. M

    Open Chronicles The Weight of Feathers

    "Must I really wear this hat?" Monroe deadpanned, following her friend and host as they navigated through the Festival of Feathers. "You've got to wear something with colour and feathers, tradition! And you better not be spotted without it. You will be hearing about it from some of the...
  6. M

    Fable - Ask The Druga

    Monroe frowned at the idea of someone else taking the glory of a kill. She hadn't experienced that sort of thing all that much for she always came through with evidence of her kills. She took pride that way. Without the opportunity to join in with Ruka in determining the intentions of the...
  7. M

    Fable - Ask [NY]The Bleeding Forest

    Monroe was unafraid to get bloody, and yet the feeling of blood constantly drip, drip, dripping onto her and her colleagues made her want to empty the contents of her stomach. Not that there would be much to bring up, the Yaegir hailing from Atlia could only think of washing all of this off in...
  8. M

    Fable - Ask The Druga

    This was not the first time she had heard of such power reigning an entire city, nor was it the first time she would be fighting in alliance with them. Monroe hardened her face, sharing a look with Emmeline. It was their right to know who they would raise arms with, to not go into any battle...
  9. M

    Open Chronicles Atlia Calls for Aid [Noct Yaegir]

    There was only one course of action in response to this, and Monroe executed it flawlessly as she flipped him off. / / / The trading square seemed to have seen some shit, for there was a pungent smell blanketing the square of burnt wood. It looked as if it were the epicenter of destruction...
  10. M

    Fable - Ask The Druga

    Monroe's brows furrowed, but the corners of her lips twitched into an amused smile. She turned to Ruka, smile widening, before settling onto Emmeline. "I must say, never have I had been warned against allies before." But she could feel the tensions within every Gildan that knew of such a...
  11. M

    Fable - Ask [NY]The Bleeding Forest

    Monroe did not hide her grimace as she watched the Nordwiir sample the blood upon his tongue. She may have even made a sickened sound, but she turned away from Njáll to the direction in which they were moving towards. "Right. I am not tasting blood, so I guess I will leave that to you two and...
  12. M

    Fable - Ask The Druga

    Monroe had been told about the Gildan salute, in which she performed it in show of her understanding of joining forces with them. "Yes, I am Monroe of Atlia. This is..." she turned to Emmeline and scrunched her face. "We never formally met. I think I saw you at briefing once and..." The Yaegir...
  13. M

    Fable - Ask [NY]The Bleeding Forest

    One wolf down, but the beastly thing had costed some of Monroe's energy. With huffing breaths, she took a moment to pause and turn to her colleagues, seeing if there was a place for her to slide in and help take the brunt of the attack. One wolf left, and not long left for it in this world...
  14. M

    Fable - Ask [NY]The Bleeding Forest

    Monroe sprang into action as soon as movement came against them. Twin blades were a gleam in the air, cutting through it before they came away like brushes pulled from their stroke against a bloodied canvas. A wolf yelped and cried, turning to Monroe. She rolled her wrists, resetting her...
  15. M

    Fable - Ask The Druga

    Orcs! Suddenly the task ahead of them was not so difficult after all! But Ruka kept talking, and the encouraging smile on Monroe's expressioned fell with each word the ogre spoke, falling dead at dragon, and turning nervous at wyvern. "You've got to be fucking kidding me." Was this a trick...