Recent content by Meredith

  1. Meredith

    Private Tales The Past That Haunts Us

    His home was small and quaint, but at least he had a home. It was a mere outline in the fog, the sound of her boots dampened by the grass beneath them as she studied every inch of the cottage. Details were important, and her practiced eye saw that he had indeed been working steadily on repairs...
  2. Meredith

    Private Tales The Past That Haunts Us

    Meredith studied Henk carefully, her eyes tracing his somber features. It seemed like he didn't quite believe that she had thought of him, or that he was worthy of being thought of. She looked up at his as he put his hand on her head, giving him another warm smile. Her eyebrows creased, a small...
  3. Meredith

    Private Tales The Past That Haunts Us

    She had regretted the way she had left things with Henk and with Sable before she vanished. She had been a complete mess, and it was a miracle she had even survived her own self-destruction . She had been young in many ways then, young and hurt, and sad. Seeing Henk now, she couldn't stop the...
  4. Meredith

    Private Tales The Past That Haunts Us

    The fog was thick, it seemed that nature had almost done it on purpose. Still, it fit the area for what it was. She had grown, in her time away from here. Her power, and her mind now both a fortress. While she felt the bitter sting of what had happened, it did not drive her to the desire of her...
  5. Meredith

    Private Tales The Past That Haunts Us

    Meredith had slid from the mare that had carried her all the way here, stretching as her boots hit the dirt. She couldn't help the soreness in her back, but she still returned to the state of somber that these woods brought her to. She crouched, touching the the soil and pine needles that...
  6. Meredith

    Private Tales The Past That Haunts Us

    It had been a long time, too long, that Meredith had been home. Even as she got closer to Vel Anir, her heart palpitated anxiously in her chest. The last time she had been here, she had been a wreck, the shell of her former self. She had abandoned Henk and Sable, fled from them, from the past...
  7. Meredith

    Fate - First Reply The House With No Light

    Cleo showed a lack of fear at being caught, a dangerous lifestyle. Perhaps it truly was much too lenient here. She's have to talk to someone about bolstering the guard here when she got back. Not that she wanted Cleo to get in trouble, but this was just ridiculous. "I can understand where you...
  8. Meredith

    Fate - First Reply The House With No Light

    Meredith met Cleo's gleaming eyes with her own, it had been a long while since Meredith had had fun. While it was an unusual way to go about getting this particular fix, it was working well for the redhead. Meredith gave the girl a quick nod, falling into step easily behind. It was quiet...
  9. Meredith

    Fate - First Reply The House With No Light

    Meredith had followed along with Cleo's plan, the girl leaving her at the guard offices to do her part. She was not surprised that not a soul recognized her, and it was easy for her to affect a whiny tone as she complained to any that would listen. They were getting tired of her though, and...
  10. Meredith

    Fate - First Reply The House With No Light

    It was slightly disappointing to hear that the guard, and few deployed Dreadlords were subpar. It wasn't really her problem, but when she was a student, those things wouldn't have been stood for. They were supposed to be militant, efficient. Had things really changed that much, since she had...
  11. Meredith

    Fate - First Reply The House With No Light

    The face the other girl made at the mention of Vel Anir was not lost on Meredith. Not everyone loved it, Hells even Meredith had a hard time going back. It was necessary though, she needed to. Even if she was stalling by agreeing to help this girl. "The same goes for me. Unfinished business...
  12. Meredith

    Fate - First Reply The House With No Light

    As she was sized up, so did Meredith return the gaze pointedly. She was well aware of what she was capable of, what she wanted to know was how capable this girl was. "I shouldn't be familiar to them, no. I'm not worried about getting past them anyhow." She wasn't, even if they raised a ruckus...
  13. Meredith

    Fate - First Reply The House With No Light

    The darkened road was not unpleasant to the well-traveled Dreadlord. This was not the first or last time she had been out on a night such as this. the horse under her shifted and sighed, the steady clop of its hooves on the road hypnotic. She was fast approaching Vel Cirak, and bath and bed was...
  14. Meredith

    Private Tales Her White Knight

    His soft touch on her cheek, the warmth of his smile. How is it that she had ached to be cared for, without ever knowing it? He wasn't disgusted by her, afraid of her. Sable said things she'd never thought she'd hear in her life. She had almost forgotten what had happened that led to this...
  15. Meredith

    Fable - Ask Don't try to Follow

    Sable's voice had fallen on deaf ears, it was the wall of amber light that stopped her in her tracks. She had her back to the two, her hands clenched into fists, her breathing ragged. The wind began to pick up, whipping her hair into a frenzy of red. A halo of fire amidst a darkening sky. She...