Recent content by Melek Ishikal

  1. Melek Ishikal

    Private Tales Our Blessings and Our Burdens

    "Oh, I mind not at all, Tera," said Melek. "And I'm excited too—and glad—to finally learn something more of my condition!" In quite high spirits did Melek leave the Cleansing Sun. She had her worries about being unable to complete her training due to her condition, of course—it was only...
  2. Melek Ishikal

    Private Tales Our Blessings and Our Burdens

    That's so unfortunate that you've had to go through all of that, I'm sure you've had quite a childhood since this condition manifested. At this Melek openly appeared puzzled. Oh goodness, did she say something wrong? She herself didn't think anything of it, and certainly not that her visits to...
  3. Melek Ishikal

    Private Tales The Boys and The Girls

    A brief moment, then, as their fellow Quaestors shifted around to the various rings to match up with their new sparring partners. The Instructors, as well, intentionally delayed the start of the next round, going here and there to check on and advise this Quaestor or that Quaestor, but moreover...
  4. Melek Ishikal

    Private Tales Our Blessings and Our Burdens

    But for now, will you follow me to the next room? "Of course, Doctor Tera." And here she did catch herself, giving her head a little corrective shake. "Tera." Melek already knew that it would be difficult not only to omit Tera's title of doctor, but to keep from calling her "gazi" as well. Ma...
  5. Melek Ishikal

    Private Tales Our Blessings and Our Burdens

    A welcome such as the one from Doctor Tera helped allay the shyness, the nervousness, of a new interaction. Always was Melek like this, save for when she had done work as a courier, and she could deliver— How can I help you today, Melek-Gazi? I notice you have a reference; may I see it? O-Oh...
  6. Melek Ishikal

    Private Tales The Boys and The Girls

    THREE WEEKS EARLIER THE WAR COLLEGE TRAINING GROUNDS These were the parts of Quaestor training that Melek did not like. She and her class stood now in the dirt that comprised the College's Training Grounds, and several Praetor and Noble Instructors went among them. Oh, but it was a nice day...
  7. Melek Ishikal

    Private Tales Our Blessings and Our Burdens

    Melek departed from the War College, passed through the Krala Ait, and walked now through Gild proper. Even having lived in the Kingdom's capital for some five years now, still Melek marveled at the size of the city—and to think that other cities in the world, like Belgrath, Alliria, or...
  8. Melek Ishikal

    Private Tales Our Blessings and Our Burdens

    THE WAR COLLEGE Melek Ishikal sat on a bed in the War College's infirmary. Injuries did occur from time to time, as of course they would in any institute whose purpose was martial and military in nature, but this was not why Melek was here. And as it happened, this was not the first time she...
  9. Melek Ishikal