Recent content by Maranae

  1. Maranae

    Private Tales Dances With Thieves

    "We are always cleaning," she said swiftly to the girl with a bright eyed, somewhat empty smile on her face. "Master always says that a clean room is like a clean life," she added. She had no idea what it was he meant by such a thing. Things like metaphors and turns of phrase were beyond her and...
  2. Maranae

    Private Tales Dances With Thieves

    She didn't know what to say immediately to it. It would be a lie to say that it was easy to learn things like flat letters on paper and how they could translate into something more meaningful than mere words on paper. She didn't even know why her Master - and others, in a line stretching into...
  3. Maranae

    Private Tales Dances With Thieves

    "On the shelves," the smith said as he bent over a small iron stove to light it. A few minutes later, he was dicing up bits of carrot and potato from a sack brought up from the cellar, humming to himself contentedly and ignoring the girls at their work. "Those go here," Maranae said as Half...
  4. Maranae

    Private Tales Dances With Thieves

    "Pretty name," he said. He stepped round from his anvil, looking the girl up and down. "Another stray. Too many of you in the city anymore. World keep spiraling down," he said and shook his head. He took the chunk of meat from her hands without another word, and gestured for her to follow...
  5. Maranae

    Private Tales Dances With Thieves

    The trip through the crowd was swift; by the time they had arrived at the forge the redhead was gnawing on the bone, every last trace of flesh gone. Her teeth managed to score pieces of bone free, and she at those too. The ringing sound of a harmer working on an anvil rang through the still air...
  6. Maranae

    Private Tales Dances With Thieves

    Maranae continued the inane chatter as they worked their way through the city. Her teeth got in the way of her speech enough that it was sometimes difficulty to understand her. She pointed out interesting things that Ivy probably wouldn't care so much as a fig about - the jewelers shop for the...
  7. Maranae

    Private Tales Dances With Thieves

    She nodded, fiery mess of hair flipping about as she did. "Never enough food," she agreed. The truth was that she had eaten not long ago. By her lights, it had been a very light meal She could eat half her own weight in a single sitting when the mood struck her so; where all of it went was a...
  8. Maranae

    Private Tales Dances With Thieves

    "Ivy!" Maranae exclaimed in her lively voice, slurred by teeth that were more suited to a big cat than the human she almost looked like. "That is a pretty name," she said with an ear-to-ear grin. The girl practically vibrated with untapped energy, like a child that had eaten too much candy. "My...
  9. Maranae

    Private Tales Dances With Thieves

    Maranae danced a little caper when the little purse was handed from the nameless urchin back to her. She didn't even look inside to see if it was all there; she couldn't count, anyway, so it would have been a pointless gesture. She offered Ivy a big, toothy smile that was much brighter and...
  10. Maranae

    Private Tales Dances With Thieves

    She held her hand out again. "Give. Then yes, she will ... I will show." Maybe not hunting; it was far to the wild lands outside of the city. But she could certainly make something the youth could use to secure food. Or something, anyway. Maranae could not really think a great deal ahead. It...
  11. Maranae

    Private Tales Dances With Thieves

    "Scarier than I am?" She grinned widely, displaying long incisors and canines. Her mouth looked like it belonged on a predator. The veiled threat was clumsy and as transparent as glass. Maranae had no guile whatsoever. Unless this waif raised a hand to hurt her there was absolutely no chance of...
  12. Maranae

    Private Tales Dances With Thieves

    The sharp scent of fear filled the alleyway. She stopped some distance away from the urchin, poised to dart forward with her own burst of speed if needed. "Coins not food," she said in reply to the statement, then cocked her head to one side as she remembered something else. Coins could be used...
  13. Maranae

    Private Tales Dances With Thieves

    If there hadn't been other people in the way, the thief would never have had a chance to keep ahead. Fiery long hair flipping about in a tangled, haphazard mess behind her, Maranae belted along after the thief. Some part of her 'ancestry' - whether she wanted it or not - could scarcely resist...
  14. Maranae

    Private Tales Dances With Thieves

    She looked in the sack again and blinked at the gleam of bright silver and reddish copper. It was more money than she'd ever had before. She still wasn't entirely certain how much it was, or what she could get with it. She had come a long way in the many months spent in Alliria; at the start...
  15. Maranae

    Private Tales Well Met!

    A snap of the reins had their cart slowing and coming to a halt. Master sat still a moment, searching for and finding the source of the voice. He grunted but said nothing immediately. Alliria born and bred, he had seen all manner of people this world had to offer. As long as the color of their...