Recent content by Malak Baske

  1. Malak Baske

    Private Tales Elves, Dragons, and Swords

    Malak looked around the natural wall made by the cliff across them. The woods were dense enough here, and the wall removed angles of attack. It was as good a place as any to make camp. "Agreed." Malak replied, and began to kneel, pulling some wood and flint out of his pack. He began to make a...
  2. Malak Baske

    Open Chronicles The Town of Gorinsbin

    Shrieks filled the halls, and Malak stumbled a moment. The volume and echos of screams were overwhelming to the ear of bat-fueled Malak. He backpedeled and put his sword in a defensive stance. He spotted a swipe coming at his right shoulder and moved his blade, only to be punished with a dagger...
  3. Malak Baske

    Private Tales Elves, Dragons, and Swords

    It was difficult to keep up with the elf. He suspected it would be far more difficult if she was trying to evade him. Perhaps it was a stroke of luck he'd found her in the first place. "I think he'll make his move tonight." Malak responded. "But if he doesn't, then we'll probably be outside of...
  4. Malak Baske

    Private Tales Elves, Dragons, and Swords

    "It is alright. There is wisdom in caution." Malak responded. His eyes wandered from the elf to 'Ember'. It was hard to believe a dragon could be that small, but there it was. Chasing a fly in the air and wagging it's tail. Perhaps there were still wonders in the world. "Still, I hope to show...
  5. Malak Baske

    Private Tales Elves, Dragons, and Swords

    "Miss. . ." His voice trailed. "I don't think I got your name. I'm Malak." He introduced himself. "I'm a hunter, not a spy. Your secret's safe with me." He replied. It was a curiosity certainly, but Malak wasn't a man to meddle in others business. "Still, this does present a problem." Malak...
  6. Malak Baske

    Private Tales Elves, Dragons, and Swords

    A grunt, then the pop of a head out the girls pack and Malak had found his dragon. He had expected a cub of some sort, perhaps a bear or tiger, but the dragon was a surprise. A complicating surprise. The woman took a step back and spoke in a tongue Malak didn't recognize. "Well isn't he a...
  7. Malak Baske

    Private Tales Elves, Dragons, and Swords

    "Half my clients are elves actually." Malak responded. He wasn't sure if it was elvish superiority or a love of nature that provoked Fraeya Elwing's comments, but he could feel the hostility. "The rest are humans who fled Vel Anir for one reason or another." Malak paused for a moment in thought...
  8. Malak Baske

    Private Tales Elves, Dragons, and Swords

    Malak took a water skin and headed over to the spring, filling it with water and bringing it to his lips. "That's because I am a tracker." Malak said after getting a good swig. "There's a village about eight hours hike from here. They hired me to deal with whatever seems to killing their...
  9. Malak Baske

    Private Tales Elves, Dragons, and Swords

    "Five more minutes." Malak could barely make out the words as he heard a voice in the distance. It was a of a higher tenor. Feminine even, a woman voice. The tone lacked the rasp of age. Yet their was a certainly motherly quality to the words. The words were intended to goad action, which meant...
  10. Malak Baske

    New, wanting to create characters and see them roll

    Welcome! If you're wanting to write at sorcery school the College of Elbion is a good place to look. If you're looking at more of a battlemage the Dreadlords of Vel Anir are a good fit. There's also all sorts of wandering mages and those aligned with other factions, so don't feel limited to...
  11. Malak Baske

    Private Tales Elves, Dragons, and Swords

    The body Malak found had answered some questions, namely an estimate of the claws and fangs of the creature plaguing Tuillay, but the whole situation still evoked mystery. Why would a mage with the strength to tame dragonkin waste it's time with such simple quarry? If it was a witch, why were...
  12. Malak Baske

    Open Chronicles The Town of Gorinsbin

    The woman who Malak had rushed to break free of the Vampire's hold bolted off of the wall, storming into the castle. Malak continued a few more steps before breaking his momentum, then let out a shrug. "I'd say at least we learned something, but alas." Malak responded to Eren'thiel Xyrdithas...
  13. Malak Baske

    Private Tales Elves, Dragons, and Swords

    The Falwood was an odd place. Man, orc, and dwarf all made effort to tame the land, breaking wood and stone to craft house, wall, and castle. The elves were different, building from dead wood around the trees of the forest. Malak had come to the wood in search of work, and found it in the town...
  14. Malak Baske

    Fate - First Reply Witchlings Three: A Wild Haunt

    The child's voice continued to echo through the room. Malak has spoke too soon. He held up the ghostglass to his eye. The girl was gone, left the hall. It seems they had a brief respite. "The skeletons have stopped. We may not be done, but we're better off than we were before." Malak...
  15. Malak Baske

    Open Chronicles The Town of Gorinsbin

    The elf was right, the figure could have been in trouble. Absent the sight of Elijah Khalo Celasaer or his second, Heike had the most pressing need for help. Or at least the most pressing need for help that Malak could aid. Moving quickly up the stairs Malak watched as Eren'thiel Xyrdithas...