Recent content by Magdalena Elbion

  1. Magdalena Elbion

    Private Tales The Fifth Word

    Magda raised her brows at his logical assessment, "For once, I agree with you," and that was nearly as shocking as the fact that she was quite possibly walking into death next to him of all people. The tunnel continued, then dropped into a steep stairwell that lead into the darkness. "It's...
  2. Magdalena Elbion

    Private Tales The Fifth Word

    "Without question," Magda replied promptly, "I've excavated several Dwarven sites over the years and this fits the ticket to the tee." Her brows pinched together in consideration over a thoughtful hum, "But none of the sites were quite like this. Everything before was a city or community...
  3. Magdalena Elbion

    Private Tales The Fifth Word

    "Our chances?" Magda echoed as she lead the way down the narrow corridor, pushing cobwebs out of the way and carefully checking every few steps for any further traps, "Of getting out of here or survival?" She took a deep breath, brow furrowing at the topic of conversation, "I don't like to...
  4. Magdalena Elbion

    Open Chronicles The Great Elbion Giftmas Shopping Bazaar

    She froze under the direct gaze of that strange lady. Deer in lamplights. Will she or won't she Anirian Roulette. Magda had half the moxie to dare her to, and that half moxie almost made it to her brows to emote just that thought when her gaze switched suddenly to the appeared of Saelia at the...
  5. Magdalena Elbion

    Private Tales The Fifth Word

    Well, there wasn't anything to be done for it. With all the effort required to get him through, Mags wasn't sure she trusted the slab to get him back out again. With any luck, they would find another way out. These sorts of places always had more than one entrance, she just hoped they'd be able...
  6. Magdalena Elbion

    Private Tales The Fifth Word

    The tunnel was not especially broad of space and so as Mack's figure continued to prise itself through the opening, Magda found herself with very little room elsewhere to plant her feet out of the way that wouldn't involve her tripping over or falling upon him. This. This was absurd! He could...
  7. Magdalena Elbion

    Private Tales The Fifth Word

    She was waiting for her pack to be passed over and, despite the ominous situation, felt herself growing impatient while the boys picked at one another on the other side of the stone slab. Brow furrowed, a hand holstered itself on a hip, fingers tapping. "Can-" more squabbling. "What-" Mack was...
  8. Magdalena Elbion

    Private Tales The Fifth Word

    This wasn't how things were meant to go. These expeditions were meant to be done with the utmost care for the locale, potential discoveries, invaluable artefacts and information and ... yes, the personnel. Magi closed her eyes while trying not to imagine the stone slab slamming down upon her...
  9. Magdalena Elbion

    Private Tales The Fifth Word

    She'd be lying if she said there'd been no rise of desperation in that moments-long wait for a blade to shuffle its way to her side. The rumbling had persisted and more than one crumbling piece of the ceiling had fallen on her in the interim. Even if the stone slab seemed fairly well lodged in...
  10. Magdalena Elbion

    Private Tales The Fifth Word

    Esmond, as ever willing to be a hero, or at the very least useful in the eyes of their glorious leader, had clapped his hands together in preparation to provide the necessary push. But he faltered several steps away as he looked down to what he had available to push. There was Magdalena...
  11. Magdalena Elbion

    Private Tales The Fifth Word

    "No one is going home," Magda intoned flatly from where she stood before the door, "until either I say so or I am dead." Esmond sputtered between the two of them, "I had no intentions of leaving! But surely there is more we can do here without risking life and limb...?" "Probably," she raised...
  12. Magdalena Elbion

    Open Chronicles The Great Elbion Giftmas Shopping Bazaar

    There was a whole lotta duc' getting flashed around in this place. Par for the norm here, though it still raised Magi's brows with great effect. Didn't matter how much money her own family had to their name, she'd never really given their wealth much thought after she'd forcefully sloughed the...
  13. Magdalena Elbion

    Open Chronicles The Great Elbion Giftmas Shopping Bazaar

    Hanging behind Zael's tall and lanky self seemed to be doing the trick... that was until LaMarque's full attention had been directed at him by her sister. Magi swore under her breath and waited for him to step by a floor display to duck out from behind him, hunched over to avoid being seen. As...
  14. Magdalena Elbion

    Open Chronicles The Lilting Shoal

    Magi's eyes widened as she watched the play, then landed on the old dodger with appreciative disgust evident in the soured raise of her brows and pinch of her lips. A hand lifted at Mack, "Don't..." and he didn't. Good. Magi leaned forward to scrutinize the game board while she pondered her...
  15. Magdalena Elbion

    Private Tales The Fifth Word

    No, Esmond had not been kidding. The young man blew out his cheeks and began to brush himself off, "Well," he began as he glanced to the others, one who looked just as cowed as Mack, the other two appearing as though they'd weathered worse storms, "I've not experienced it first hand myself but...