Recent content by Mackenzie Erris

  1. Mackenzie Erris

    Private Tales The Fifth Word

    It wasn't like him to be all to curious about things like these, but here he was, and so he found that if nothing else he could use it as an opportunity to learn a lil' something. If all that ended up being was having Magdalena actually agree with something he said then that was victory enough...
  2. Mackenzie Erris

    Private Tales The Fifth Word

    He trusted her assessment. Like he had any choice, but really he did. She knew her stuff, he'd figured out that much. Hell even some of the words she said, he knew they were common but he didn't know what they meant. What the hell is a Kresscross. Her choice of company however... well, it...
  3. Mackenzie Erris

    Private Tales The Fifth Word

    He sniffed at the air. Nothing more than dust, and thankfully he wasn't one to sneeze easily. But like this, it garnered him little more understanding than it would anyone else. It just smelled... old. He thought about her question, and he cast his eye behind him. "Well," he thought it was...
  4. Mackenzie Erris

    Private Tales The Fifth Word

    One look at his boots and his eyes shot up to Magdalena and he smiled quite broadly, saying, "he is a sweetheart, isn't he." He really didn't fault Esmond, and only saw the humour in it despite how inconvenient it was. He could tie the hell out of a knot, that was for sure. As for his other...
  5. Mackenzie Erris

    Private Tales The Fifth Word

    It was so oddly comfortable to just rest there a moment with his shoulders and arms finally free again. So much so, it was almost startling when Magdalena leaned over him. "I said pass me my pack," his eyes followed her finger to nearly the tip of his still very tender nose, "not pass me my...
  6. Mackenzie Erris

    Private Tales The Fifth Word

    Of all the things he could have chosen to do with this time, this was his grand plan: to squeeze himself through an opening that a small woman had enough difficulty getting through. He tried to move his arm a bit this way... the other arm that... he felt like a tangled mess with little more than...
  7. Mackenzie Erris

    Private Tales The Fifth Word

    From where Mack knelt by the opening, he remained mostly silent throughout the exchange. Even he glanced down at his own feet, and then he looked at Esmond's. Mack's were bigger, to which he smiled wryly before slowly frowning. He wasn't exactly sure what she meant either, or how it pertained...
  8. Mackenzie Erris

    Private Tales The Fifth Word

    Each passing moment seemed to heighten the collective anxiety of those present, and Mack wasn't immune to this. It wasn't like him to get too agitated by things like this, but he found himself becoming just that as he started whispering come on as Magda struggled to free herself from her...
  9. Mackenzie Erris

    Private Tales The Fifth Word

    "Stop - stop!" And so he did, and repositioned himself a bit more comfortably, but he left one hand placed firmly against the bottom of her foot - so she knew he was still present. And then came the commotion, and it was not a welcome one. The shuddering of the crypt, this time at least, did...
  10. Mackenzie Erris

    Private Tales The Fifth Word

    Mack watched with anticipation. He was without doubt that Magdalena would make short work of this obstruction, and so he idly reached for his pipe and- damn it. He pursed his lips in general disinterest and folded his arms across his chest. What the hell was he going to do with himself now in...
  11. Mackenzie Erris

    Open Chronicles The Lilting Shoal

    And you're damn right he didn't. Mack was quite proficient in a number of things, but tact was not necessarily one of them, and certainly not in a situation like this. He was liable to offend someone or something along those lines, and he knew it. Better to let Mags do the talking until their...
  12. Mackenzie Erris

    Private Tales The Fifth Word

    He couldn't help but watch. I mean, come on. He was a little disappointed when the disrobing came to an end, but he gave his head a little shake and told himself he'd have better luck skiing uphill in an avalanche - especially after the whole springing not one, but two traps thing. Then he...
  13. Mackenzie Erris

    Private Tales The Fifth Word

    Mack's eye had avoided Magda. He hadn't done so consciously, but his instincts had obviously known better. Or worse. But whatever smugness he had garnered from the others sounding off without harm was quickly snatched away. And so was his pipe. My pipe... He turned, watching in a mix of...
  14. Mackenzie Erris

    Open Chronicles The Lilting Shoal

    With his back to the table and his arms crossed over the backrest of the chair he sat on, he waited quietly with his chin rested on his arms. His pipe hung from his lips, and he casually puffed away on it as he looked around the establishment, seemingly oblivious to whatever the rest of them...
  15. Mackenzie Erris

    Private Tales The Fifth Word

    The second stone coming down had been bad enough, but at least it seemed as though they'd be able to get past the blocker. He gave a bit of a disgruntled hum as he looked to the newly poised barricade, crossing his arm under the other. He puffed on his pipe to no avail, and he pulled it from his...