Lucinda's latest activity

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    Lucinda reacted to Takoda's post in the thread Fable - Ask Poker Night with Frog Cute Frog Cute.
    Takoda silently listened as he enjoyed smoking his cigar. He seemed to be in deep thought as he tried to remember all the rules of the...
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    Lucinda reacted to Norah's post in the thread Fable - Ask Poker Night with Cthuulove Cthuulove.
    Shot glass lowered and was flicked aside and she shrugged in Manbun's direction before her attention was drawn elsewhere. Dark eyes...
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    Lucinda replied to the thread Fable - Ask Poker Night.
    Lucinda spun around, feeling something smack her on the ass. A fist was raised in the air but unfortunately, there was no face to...
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    Lucinda reacted to Marcia's post in the thread Fable - Ask Poker Night with Yay Yay.
    Well, it was better than being shoved into a box. After being suitably manhandled (and windhandled, as it were) by a combination of her...
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    Lucinda reacted to Blake's post in the thread Fable - Ask Poker Night with Ctuhlu senpai Ctuhlu senpai.
    Blake turned her head back towards the talking radiator, a look of utter confusion on her face. Did she know who she was talking to...
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    Lucinda reacted to Kilien Basmarc's post in the thread Fable - Ask Poker Night with Frog Eyes Frog Eyes.
    Now, Kilien generally was a generous sort. He didn't have much to call his own and he felt particularly sympathetic for those that had...
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    Lucinda reacted to Colt Pirian's post in the thread Fable - Ask Poker Night with Angry Angry.
    Limont was notably upset at people asking for Kilien Basmarc 's hooch for free, instead of parting with coin for his. He was still...
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    Lucinda reacted to Norah's post in the thread Fable - Ask Poker Night with Sip Sip.
    Norah folded. It seemed fortune was not on her side tonight. So far... A tilt of her head to Kilien Basmarc as she held her empty...
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    Lucinda reacted to Takoda's post in the thread Fable - Ask Poker Night with Bless Bless.
    Takoda looked to Marcia with a sympathetic smile before moving to take his seat and graciously accept a cigar, while offering the bottle...
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    Lucinda replied to the thread Fable - Ask Poker Night.
    "OhhhhhHH..." Lucinda's eyes were wide when Colt explained the origin of the cards. "My ma was gonna send me to one of them, but," she...
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    Lucinda reacted to Blake's post in the thread Fable - Ask Poker Night with Popcorn Popcorn.
    Colt compounded Blake's hysterics issue by summoning a whirlwind on top of her head, but when she finally realized that Marci was in the...
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    Lucinda reacted to Marcia's post in the thread Fable - Ask Poker Night with Frog Sweat Frog Sweat.
    Et tu, Basmarc? Of all the people in the room to launch from their seats and take her down, Marcia hadn't expected it to be Kilien...
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    Lucinda reacted to Norah's post in the thread Fable - Ask Poker Night with Cthulu Knife Cthulu Knife.
    "Clothes and secrets. Maybe toward the end of the night." With her thumb and index finger she flipped a coin from her pocket on the...
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    Lucinda reacted to Takoda's post in the thread Fable - Ask Poker Night with Frog Eyes Frog Eyes.
    Takoda was late, and he hated to be late, but the damn rain had started, and flying was a bitch and a half when in the storms. It wasn't...
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    Lucinda replied to the thread Fable - Ask Poker Night.
    "Pffft." Lucinda rolled her eyes when Colt had the audacity to suggest she sit a round out to watch. "My momma always said I was a quick...