Recent content by Livia Quinnick

  1. Livia Quinnick

    Dreadlords The Long Road

    Livia lifted her gaze, her head not moving to meet Cenric's. Olivine eyes merely stared at him as he spoke, but Liv had been preparing herself to set out those doors alone but the idea of Cenric taking up the body of a maid only humoured her. "That can be arranged." She quirked a brow...
  2. Livia Quinnick

    Dreadlords A Knife For the Ribs

    A muscle twitched in her jaw. "As I said, Initiate, magic was at play. That alone slows the process, can even make what I see and glean to be unreliable." Her olivine gaze flicked between the four of them, frowning slightly. "Simply put, your name cards were not touched by magic. Which tells...
  3. Livia Quinnick

    Dreadlords The Long Road

    Morning had felt more than two nights before that sun rose. She had waited until it washed Tel'Ketos, leaving no room for shadow to ruin her plans she would put into motion in the next hour. Livia had been in the kitchen, putting together slices of bread, eggs, and bacon on two plates before...
  4. Livia Quinnick

    Private Tales Given the Chance

    Livia carried a weight for so long, there were times she forgot she was still carrying it some days that, allowing herself to relax. That weight became too familiar to carry, dropping her defenses only reminded her that loosening the grip was not always the best. After all that had happened...
  5. Livia Quinnick

    Dreadlords A Knife For the Ribs

    Livia could not help the snort that escaped her. Castille's face alone had been worth seeing, but in order to gather back control of the room, she cleared her throat. "Now, we have a loose idea of a timeline. I suppose I should explain myself to those of you that do not know of me. I was an...
  6. Livia Quinnick

    Open Chronicles Heart & Hearth Day - 2025

    Pawel Wilhart They are not in season, but my mother enjoys sunflowers so much we have a facility to grow them out of season. I give you three of them for each moment you have made me feel valued. Please, do not fret at the small number. This is what progress looks like, and perhaps there will...
  7. Livia Quinnick

    Open Chronicles Heart & Hearth Day - 2025

    Maseno Luana Hope all is well with you on this Heart and Hearth Day. Here are some flowers from my family’s estate, and I have picked ones that remind me of your character. I appreciate all the help and support you have given me, and I am honoured to have you as a friend. Sincerely, Liv
  8. Livia Quinnick

    Dreadlords A Knife For the Ribs

    "It seems you already know Vittoria." Livia quirked a brow, then looked to Larrainth. "I actually do not. Although I must commend her for learning names. After all, I already know all your names." In truth, she knew Larrainth by reputation alone. It was the smart thing to know whom she was...
  9. Livia Quinnick

    Dreadlords The Long Road

    "Why he'll keep plucking." Livia watched him search, and the longer he did so, her magic tugged her to a cabinet found in the shared seating area. From it, she produced a bottle of wine, clinking against other bottles as she held it aloft and crossed the room to hand it to him. "I do not think...
  10. Livia Quinnick

    Dreadlords The Long Road

    "And what am I to do? Hide?" She snorted, but it was clear from her voice it was a sarcastic jest. The Initiate sighed, thinking on their situation. She was quiet, her magic lending to clearing her mind and being able to see the plan ahead. "We will need to wait until it is light out. She will...
  11. Livia Quinnick

    Dreadlords The Long Road

    Livia moved to fall into another seat. She leaned right back into it, eyes closed as she took a deep inhale through her nose and exhaled shakily through her mouth. "What she did to you was merely play. Who is to say what else she has in store for us?" With a heavy sigh, Livia opened her...
  12. Livia Quinnick

    Private Tales Given the Chance

    Suddenly, she did not know why she was here. Despite the defenses she put up, he would be able to see the way her shoulder sagged that she had been carrying something all this time. "My life was never meant for joy. Before I had even been told if I wished to attend the Academy, I had done a...
  13. Livia Quinnick

    Dreadlords The Long Road

    "The man said this puzzle box matched another in the museum... convinced they were a set." She turned it over and over, inspecting it, but there was something missing in one part. "Right. Find someone for you to... make part of your catalogue of bodies, and then perhaps steal the matching puzzle...
  14. Livia Quinnick

    Dreadlords The Long Road

    "Well, fuck..." She sighed. It was one thing for Livia to be the tracker, but for the tables to turn and now they were being tracked? She felt useless all over again. It had been spoken as a hypothetical that perhaps with more training and learning of her magic, Livia could potentially block...
  15. Livia Quinnick

    Dreadlords The Long Road

    Livia's brows did not let up their furrowing, even once they were back to their lodgings. She looked to Cenric's foot as he carefully pried the boot and sock off, and what she saw was worse than any sprain or wound. The stains of Viviana's magic alarmed Livia. She took a few steps forwards and...