Recent content by Leroy Jenkers

  1. Leroy Jenkers

    LFG The dead speak not, they charge LFG; conflict in Eretejva

    Just give me a ping and I will show up! Nothing gets me as exited as feeling wanted!
  2. Leroy Jenkers

    Open Chronicles The Village of Greywood

    Gronk, after passing through the shield wall, began tending to his wounds, which mostly amounted to holding pressure to his sword wounds with a small bit of cloth. Verret knew better than to be a hero, and keep fighting. After getting a bit of space he quickly charged through the shield wall...
  3. Leroy Jenkers

    Open Chronicles The Village of Greywood

    Gronk was a proud warrior of his tribe, so he knew his opponents aim, unfortunately being able to read you opponent, and having the ability to escape unscathed are two different things. While he did his best to dodge out of the way his opponent's blade still tasted flesh. He had been winged...
  4. Leroy Jenkers

    Open Chronicles The Village of Greywood

    (OOC: Ser Gavin Halbert Melusine Flarell you guys good?)
  5. Leroy-Jenkers

  6. Leroy Jenkers

    Open Chronicles The Village of Greywood

    Verret's head jerked to the side in a bird like motion, before he just as suddenly turned to face Gronk, "Gronk I-I think... SHE is coming!" "I know..." "But if She... they'll..." "I know!" Verret did not look convinced, "... Gronk our own Village..." "GODS DAMN IT I KNOW!!!" Gronk...
  7. Leroy Jenkers

    Open Chronicles The Village of Greywood

    Gronk Rockchewer, the larger of the pair of chicken-orcs, turned and whispered to his partner, Verret Longarms, "I see a man coming right at us... Did they see us, or is he just trying to sneak around? Either way we have our orders. B-B-BAAAAAWWWWWWWWK!!!" Gronk after letting out his call...
  8. Leroy Jenkers

    Open Chronicles The Village of Greywood

    Leroy eventually, after placing his men, returned to the dragonesse to give his report. When he returned he saw that she had wasted no time, and that the camp was full of activity. Though in an almost eerie way as there was less talk than one might expect from a camp. Where one might expect the...
  9. Leroy Jenkers

    Open Chronicles The Village of Greywood

    Leroy spent some time taking in the situation. Luckily most of what he had to say was covered by Sathirena's words. Leroy still couldn't believe that the defences had only gotten better since the attack had begun. How had they gotten out to get the tree's? Leroy gave a deep bow before...
  10. Leroy Jenkers

    Open Chronicles The Village of Greywood

    Leroy and his twenty chicken-orc men showed up around nightfall. All the chicken-orcs had their thick hides covered only by loincloths, allowing for maximum freedom of movement, and were armed with large oversized two handed spiked clubs, too heavy for any but these eight foot behemoths to...
  11. Leroy Jenkers

    Quest To Reach the Skies[Open]

    Leroy sat in a state of inactivity outside of the shelter. He was "awoken" by the rising activity of those within the shelter. Leroy stood up, and brushed and shook the snow that had accumulated on top of him off. He reached one of his hands in the shelter and pulled out one of the spuds that...
  12. Leroy Jenkers

    Quest To Reach the Skies[Open]

    Leroy debated what he should do. It appeared they would all be staying here until, the storm passed and the sun rose. But should he be doing something in the mean time? He wasn't affected by the temperature like the humans were, nor did he need more than food to reenergize him. So, the...
  13. Leroy Jenkers

    Quest To Reach the Skies[Open]

    "Aye, honestly since hearing of the evil cult, my mind had already been made up that I would have to confront it. I would not be able to allow them to go around harassing the innocent." Leroy took notice to a change in "Verin's" speech, and the way she emphasized her name, and such a warm...
  14. Leroy Jenkers

    Quest To Reach the Skies[Open]

    Leroy shot 'Verin' a smile. "I'm counting on it." Leroy was quick to get into ready stance when the new man appeared. Leroy quickly decided the wounded man deserved less attention than whatever had followed him. He moved to examine the shape and block off any others that might appear, while...
  15. Leroy Jenkers

    Quest To Reach the Skies[Open]

    Leroy beak broke into a grin as another chuckle escaped through it. He bit into another potato, trying to bring more life into himself then there was in this conversation. On the bright side his companions seemed intelligent enough to introduce themselves. He should reward such good behaviour...