Recent content by Lechies Delrio

  1. Lechies Delrio

    Private Tales Candle in the Window

    His hand curled around her, gentle in its insistence, and Lechies quickly brushed the last of the cake crumbs from her palms so that she could lean into his touch without fear of smearing the snack over his front. The noise of the crowd behind faded to a quiet murmur. Distantly, Lechies felt no...
  2. Lechies Delrio

    Private Tales Candle in the Window

    He loved sweets. Perhaps little Garrod had found them an effective tonic for the general bitterness of life, and that habit carried into adulthood. Same as her. A kindred spirit, and in a way that mattered more than the sharing of their bodies with demons. Tickled by the idea, Lechies's...
  3. Lechies Delrio

    Private Tales Candle in the Window

    Lechies answered the question with a flat look of reproach, made somewhat ineffective by the fact that her cheeks were full of sugar-coated fruit. Perhaps she resembled a squirrel in this moment, with her mane of red hair. Once she'd swallowed: "Greedy," came the half-hearted rebuke, almost...
  4. Lechies Delrio

    Private Tales Candle in the Window

    Lechies cast an eye to the sky stretching bright and blue between the timeworn eaves of Leviathan Square. The noises of the city flowed around them, through them, chaotic and lively. Vibrant, in a way that filled her heart as surely as the presence of the man beside her. She hummed in reply, a...
  5. Lechies Delrio

    Private Tales Candle in the Window

    Lechies only half-listened to Garrod's exchange with the proprietress. She browsed the shelves in an unhurried fashion, mouthing the contents of the bottles to herself as she drifted down the aisle, fingers passing gently over glass. It was odd, in some ways, to be taking care of her...
  6. Lechies Delrio

    Private Tales Candle in the Window

    Lechies pursed her lips, half holding back her laughter, and half still chewing her food. Garrod so did love flashy little displays. Perhaps it was how he advertised his services as a monster hunter -- a casual show of magic, as proof that he could wield flames even fiercer to take down his...
  7. Lechies Delrio

    Private Tales Champion of the Perished

    Garrod turned, chest pumping with labored breaths, eye wide and overbright. Not with madness or corruption or worse, just the simple exhaustion of a man after a chaotic fight. Lechies, too, relinquished the breath wound tight in her lungs. She tested the air again as she straightened. There was...
  8. Lechies Delrio

    Private Tales Candle in the Window

    "Oh, no," Lechies said, leaning slightly away, trying in vain to hide from the brilliance of his smile. She may as well have closed her eyes in an attempt to hide from the sun. "Should we? Did you not have enough to eat? I'm really not that-" Hungry, she tried to say. But the gurgle of her...
  9. Lechies Delrio

    Private Tales Candle in the Window

    Lechies tried and failed to hold back a laugh. A duck, dipping its head under the pond in search of food in its murky depths. Back legs and fluffy rear wiggling in the air. A duck whose head was as white as a snow-capped mountain. The mental image did amuse her so. She held Garrod's gaze, smile...
  10. Lechies Delrio

    Private Tales Candle in the Window

    "You want just plain leather, right?" Sindy snapped the measuring ribbon open across Lechies's fingers. "Yes, please." "And a sigil of magic resistance, again?" At Sindy's beckoning, Lechies lifted her hand so that the ribbon could wrap around her wrist. "Yes." Sindy scratched notes into...
  11. Lechies Delrio

    Private Tales Champion of the Perished

    Siegfried made not a sound, not even a grunt. Lechies couldn't be sure if it was just the krait's weight that had him staggering, or if he was actually hurt. All the same, she scrambled out of the boat and began to circle around to Siegfried's front, her staff clutched like the ignoble...
  12. Lechies Delrio

    Private Tales Candle in the Window

    Lechies smiled at Garrod in thanks as she stepped over the threshold into Beldrake's interior. Just past the entrance, she paused to surreptitiously, unintentionally, take a deep whiff of the air inside. In the same way that entering a tavern brought with it the hearty intermingled scent of...
  13. Lechies Delrio

    Private Tales Candle in the Window

    Lechies's reply was a pleased murmur, eyes lit with tenderness. She reached out to straighten a crease in Garrod's shirt that he'd missed; a tug, and then a gentle pass of her fingers over the fabric. It was warm like a furnace beneath her touch. "Aye, best put these ones out of their misery...
  14. Lechies Delrio

    Private Tales Candle in the Window

    "A favor for a favor. Seems fair," she teased back. Dinner with her family. Garrod, amongst her family, a part of her family. The mental image that painted itself against the canvas of her mind only warmed her in such a way that not even the chilled tea could help. Lechies's eyes were lidded...
  15. Lechies Delrio

    Private Tales Candle in the Window

    Incorrigible. She could feel the blush creeping anew across her cheeks. Perhaps from now on, in Garrod's presence, her face would never not be a garden of roses in full bloom. "Your devotion is noted, brave warrior," Lechies beamed, "but devotion alone won't cover your expenses." She sipped...