Recent content by Larewen Dragana

  1. Larewen Dragana

    Fate - First Reply Amid ruin and blood

    A thin smile cracked across Larewen's lips as he said 'errand boy,' something about the phrase making it so much more innocent than his blood-coated fingertips showed. Offering some comfort to the goblin, the necromancer straightened up and took a smooth step back from him. Room to breathe, so...
  2. Larewen Dragana

    Fable - Ask Evil and Wicked, Haunted and Twisted

    So Hedron had said, but on more than one occasion, Larewen had seen the answer change in less time. Offering a simple shrug of her shoulder, the necromancer offered a simple, "Larewen," in response. No titles, no formalities. It was something the necromancer once wore proudly, but now had come...
  3. Larewen Dragana

    Fate - First Reply Amid ruin and blood

    Larewen watched with dark curiosity as the goblin spoke. Whatever thoughts crossed her mind failed to surface upon the pale features of her face. Finally, her jaw tensed for a brief moment and she drew nearer to the creature, weight shifting as she knelt closer to him. "Pressing matters don't...
  4. Larewen Dragana

    Fate - First Reply Amid ruin and blood

    A cloaked figure stood up on the crest of the tower, but no true life radiated from her form. A perversion existed in the vampirism that thrummed through her veins, corrupted by a necromantic heart. The stench of death came from her left side, no doubt rotting flesh hidden beneath that cloth...
  5. Larewen Dragana

    Fable - Ask Evil and Wicked, Haunted and Twisted

    Like the much taller creature beside her, Larewen turned as well to regard the dismounting undead and the puppets behind his skeletal steed. She could smell the familiar, cloying stench of death upon him, her nostrils flaring just slightly. Those free of their makers' strings were few and far...
  6. Larewen Dragana

    Fable - Ask Evil and Wicked, Haunted and Twisted

    The necromancer sat within a weathered, leaning building toward the center of the small outpost. She toyed with a glass of wine, though she seemed to have little interest in actually drinking it. Verdant eyes swept over those that played their table games while she pressed a tongue to the tip of...
  7. Larewen Dragana

    Private Tales Blood drawn at the Silent Fiddle

    "Unpalatable is precisely the reason I am here," she said, her voice quiet enough as not to be overheard. "These kinds of people are rarely missed, and I prefer to toy with my prey; I want to see the fear in their eyes when they come to the realization that they are doomed." She grinned, a...
  8. Larewen Dragana

    Private Tales Blood drawn at the Silent Fiddle

    Larewen reached for the candle, but not before she reached into a pocket hidden in the outfit she wore and withdrew a small silver case. Opening it, there were black cigarettes, but they gave off the smell of clove. She swiped one and then offered Rainer one. The woman reached for the candle...
  9. Larewen Dragana

    Private Tales A Night Out

    Larewen couldn't remember the last time someone brought her a drink. Or someone acting friendly. She wondered if there was something the strange, beautiful woman wanted. It was hard for her to take simple acts of kindness seriously, what with her wanting to destroy the world for some people...
  10. Larewen Dragana

    Private Tales A Night Out

    Larewen saw Emmeryn enter, and her mismatched gaze followed the woman with curiosity. Her dark skin, those orange eyes... they were unique. What she didn't expect was the woman approaching her where she sat. Sometime between their entrance, she'd fetched a glass of wine, which she picked up and...
  11. Larewen Dragana

    Private Tales Blood drawn at the Silent Fiddle

    En route to his destination, Rainer may or may not notice an awfully overdressed woman sitting uncomfortably at a bench, but by herself. If not, well... she definitely saw him. An untouched cup of grog lay before her, along with a book of some sort splayed open. It didn't appear to entertain her...
  12. Larewen Dragana

    Private Tales A Night Out

    Larewen strolled through the richer districts of Alliria, her fancy garb a lot more common among the womenfolk here. An emerald bustle gown clung to her short frame, undoubtedly tailored precisely for her. Black gloves obscured the cursed flesh of her arm and hid only skin on the right. The...
  13. Larewen Dragana

  14. Larewen Dragana

    Private Tales In Darkness, We Meet

    Another one of those wicked grins flashed across pale lips beneath the cover of her veil. Larewen found the man to be amusing, more so than threatening. But then, Larewen rarely felt threatened. It was a thrill that she long missed, and it was a dance the elf could certainly partake in. “Only...
  15. Larewen Dragana

    Private Tales In Darkness, We Meet

    Larewen laughed. It might have been a guffaw if she hadn't caught it early. Instead, she softens the blow of her amusement for no given reason as she turned his head from side to side. She released him a moment later. It wasn't the first time Larewen had been called a monster--in truth, the...