Recent content by Lómin

  1. Lómin

    Private Tales Children of the Veiled Sanctum

    On into the estate, they passed through great corridors, traveling far further into the structure than one might have first imagined. But as they ventured in, and descended down a wide and deep stairwell, it became apparent that they were moving into a different place. They passed through from...
  2. Lómin

    Private Tales Children of the Veiled Sanctum

    Her final look to Nolmo, and she witnessed as the Istoneth was encroached upon but the ranks of many tall figures in robes, disappearing in their midst as though she'd never been there. Her look to Lómin, and there was a careful look in his eyes, and with it not a wry or smugly drawn smile, but...
  3. Lómin

    Private Tales Children of the Veiled Sanctum

    Out into the Sharyrdian streets, they fell into step alongside one another. And though the dark was prevailing, the ambient light of crystalline luminescence and streetside lanterns was comforting, and though there were few who lingered out and about at this hour, they were not without...
  4. Lómin

    Private Tales Children of the Veiled Sanctum

    He offered her a comforting smile and a nod, and then turned his attention to the final moments of the closing ceremonies. In the time after, for a short while the children were allowed to run and play while the older ones gathered together for a bit of fellowship. Spoken words and shared...
  5. Lómin

    Private Tales Children of the Veiled Sanctum

    Calmly he pulled his hand away, careful in his movements. It was clear she was far more perturbed than he could realize, and rightfully so, in his mind. What she was experiencing was something alien to him, to all of them. And though this was a cause for concern, this worry did not undermine...
  6. Lómin

    Private Tales Children of the Veiled Sanctum

    He nodded, and afforded a quiet moment for her words to settle in. Lómin perceived and recalled Enderathil through the Shoraes quite well, which was part of the reason he had been sent to find her. There were many others who did as well, but there were a number - even high councilors - who did...
  7. Lómin

    Private Tales Children of the Veiled Sanctum

    Whatever happened to these individuals, of the vast number of us who remain there are a very few people who seem to be.. for lack of better description, in the middle of this process. Some remember their faces, but can find no name, for others it is the opposite. And these people feel...
  8. Lómin

    Private Tales Children of the Veiled Sanctum

    "I need your help," he replied, rather pragmatically, "we, need your help." He cast a casual glance about the theatre, and then canted his head back toward her, "ever since the Sholírë's return, something is... amiss." When the Shoraes' song first returned and the collective was once again...
  9. Lómin

    Private Tales Children of the Veiled Sanctum

    "I think that sentiment has certainly grown amongst our generation in recent years," he replied with a smile and a glance to some of the frolicking children near to them. He was nonchalant about it, and reserved within his mind, but he could not help but afford the risk of a precarious extra...
  10. Lómin

    Private Tales Children of the Veiled Sanctum

    Lómin's reaction was not too dissimilar from Enderathil's. It had been a long time since there had been children in any great number, and to see them all laughing and playing as a group of many was an encouraging thing. He, mimicking Enderathil's confidence in them, iterated his own confidence...
  11. Lómin

    Private Tales Children of the Veiled Sanctum

    Some of the streets were wider than others, but many of the buildings were tall, most being at least two stories. This made the more narrow streets seem all the more encroaching, but with windows alight with candles and torches perched by doorways, there was almost a cozier, safer feeling in...
  12. Lómin

    Private Tales Children of the Veiled Sanctum

    Lómin smiled with her admissions, and nodded his own similar sentiment, sharing it with her mentally. He did, however, seem to have some sense of encouragement. Even he himself was somewhat unsure of it, but something yet seemed to center him. But he shared of this only a little and one might...
  13. Lómin

    Private Tales Children of the Veiled Sanctum

    It was easy for an Aerai to make it through a crowd of their own. It was nothing for one another to know where one was moving when their minds were connected, and so Enderathil was quick to find him. But he had not lingered in one place, and once they'd finally gravitated toward one another...
  14. Lómin

    Private Tales Children of the Veiled Sanctum

    It had been quiet in Sharyrdaes as of late - or as quiet as it could be. Often were the creatures of the night just there within earshot, howling and screeching in the distance just often enough to remind one that they were there. Just enough to remind you that it wasn't safe. Sharyrdaes' fourth...
  15. Lómin

    Open Chronicles A Light in the Looming Shadow

    Lingering by the fire in what quiet he could afford himself amidst the bustle of the camp, it didn't take long for an all too welcome presence to be felt. He'd have noticed sooner had he not been so tied up in the moment, but such was needed in times as these and he couldn't allow himself to...