Recent content by Kerrick Vandergard

  1. Kerrick Vandergard

    Open Chronicles Are You Here?

    How many? Kerrick tried to do the math in his head, but the number came out different every time he silently added things up. Mave hadn't been the first he'd swept off their feet in a maelstrom of booze and music, hadn't been the first he'd whisked up to a bed and ravaged into the morning to...
  2. Kerrick Vandergard

    Open Chronicles Are You Here?

    There was something about the flicker in Maveriel's eyes that brought goosebumps to his skin, the way she raked them over his visage like an animal barely holding back the instinct to pounce. For all of the experiences that Kerrick's long and admittedly sinful life had brought him, to see...
  3. Kerrick Vandergard

    Fate - First Reply Friendly Fire

    "What you need to do is relax, Arthur." It was a stern reprimand, almost akin to a teacher correcting a wayward student. Kerrick had somewhat gotten the young man into this mess, and he wasn't about to leave him marked for death. At the same time, he definitely wasn't going to haul him around...
  4. Kerrick Vandergard

    Open Chronicles Are You Here?

    Kerrick could smell the heat that still lingered between them even now just as well as he could the smallest drop of warm blood. Even with all that they'd done to one another, every desire that they'd indulged in, every pit of depravity and lust they'd allowed to soak their flesh the previous...
  5. Kerrick Vandergard

    Open Chronicles Are You Here?

    “Bring me breakfast. Talk of town and today can wait.” Her words were few and brief, but the meaning they held went far beyond the pair of sentences she offered him. For behind that simple request was a reassurance; a message of comfort from the woman of the living world, to the man who's sense...
  6. Kerrick Vandergard

    Open Chronicles Are You Here?

    The door to Kerrick's room swung open, and the last thing that anybody else would see of the pair was The Vampire taking the elf back into his arms moments before it clicked shut behind them. For one more night, in that little room, Kerrick was alive again. Maveriel brought him back, breathed...
  7. Kerrick Vandergard

    Fate - First Reply Friendly Fire

    Kerrick almost pitied the poor man, but he couldn't change what had already been done. Arthur hadn't killed before, that much was clear. So it stood to reason that he wouldn't be familiar with the consequences that came with taking a life, the waves it created, inescapable and looming overhead...
  8. Kerrick Vandergard

    Fate - First Reply Friendly Fire

    Kerrick raised his eyebrows at the man, who made some points, but none that he'd not argued before. Still, it was the direct accusation that he was violent that amused him most. Arthur wasn't wrong, of course, and Kerrick couldn't do much to claim otherwise. Still, hearing it from the lips of...
  9. Kerrick Vandergard

    Fate - First Reply Friendly Fire

    "What I was doing?" Kerrick repeated his words with a restrained huff of laughter, looking over at the man from the corner of his vision. "You mean why I haven't done the usual 'vampire' thing and drained you from the neck?" It was a fair question to have, he supposed. If it were any other...
  10. Kerrick Vandergard

    Fate - First Reply Friendly Fire

    Finally, he seemed to be calming down. Kerrick was beginning to worry the man had been totally broken by the ordeal he'd just gone through, and while he was trying his best to be considerate of the situation, he wasn't a babysitter for somebody who couldn't handle a little blood. At last, he...
  11. Kerrick Vandergard

    Fate - First Reply Friendly Fire

    "Anywhere but here." Kerrick understood that the man was shaken up by what had just happened, but he didn't seem to grasp the reality of the situation. He'd just been seen fighting alongside a Vampire, one of the most reviled and despised creatures in all of Arethil. These people, they had just...
  12. Kerrick Vandergard

    Fate - First Reply Friendly Fire

    Kerrick had once been not unlike the stranger he now fought alongside. He'd been meek, naive to the brutal nature of the world, and unwilling to strike back against those who would hurt him. It was that soft and gentle nature that had found him with the livelihood drained from his body, his very...
  13. Kerrick Vandergard

    Fate - First Reply Friendly Fire

    Kerrick stared at the stranger as he whimpered and shook in the face of the trial that stood before him. The outsider had been swept into the chaos on bad luck alone, at the wrong place at the wrong time. Despite the bloodshed surrounding them both, the only red that stuck out to the Vampire was...
  14. Kerrick Vandergard

    Fate - First Reply Friendly Fire

    They came at him like moths to a flame, robed figures in the dozens with fire and malice in their eyes. Kerrick didn't need to see under the hoods they wore to know the hatred they felt for him, the one they saw as the root of all evil in this world. Narrow-minded fools, the lot of them. Some...
  15. Kerrick Vandergard

    Open Chronicles Are You Here?

    Kerrick didn't care what events had led them to this end. To concern himself with such things would be taking the result for granted, and the Vampire wouldn't trade the hungry expression of the elf in his arms for anything, nor the sheen of her lips, the need in her eyes and the heat of her...