Recent content by J'Darak Moghahk

  1. J'Darak Moghahk

    I Am Literally a Goat

    I apologise in advance for bringing him here, I can only offer myself in ritual sacrifice in penance. Welcome \o/
  2. J'Darak Moghahk

    Private Tales (Mis)adventure Time

    The man sprawled thin lips across yellowed teeth to Farzad in a smile, nasal voice carrying words laced with a thinly veiled distaste for someone he deemed a common man. "As I expected, hmhm," he almost sneered straightening the sleeves of his robes, tailored in the finest cotton and draped in...
  3. J'Darak Moghahk

    Open Chronicles Call of the ancients [orcsorcsorcsorcs][orcs]

    Moghahk and his kin may have not been the best-educated, they may have not had even been the most culturally sophisticated of the orcish clans, but they were dedicated and they knew how to problem solve to the best of their abilities. That was why Moghahk was present, why they had trudged miles...
  4. J'Darak Moghahk

    Private Tales (Mis)adventure Time

    A town near Thiria. Dreary and cold might have been how someone would have described the mornlate, the spattering of rain that attempted to fall from the overcast sky lending no hope to the day being bright and cheerful. Moghahk barely noticed as he trudged his way into the town, steps leaving...
  5. J'Darak Moghahk

    Open Chronicles Call of the ancients [orcsorcsorcsorcs][orcs]

    ‘But how do you know?’ Was asked of him, Moghahk gave a grunt in return and narrowed beady eyes, as though the question itself was a foolish one, as though everyone should have known. Though not many had tasted magic as he had. The familiar voice drew his minute attention span towards Mabess and...
  6. J'Darak Moghahk

    Open Chronicles Call of the ancients [orcsorcsorcsorcs][orcs]

    Moghahk had never been one for pleasantries, none of his black orc kin ever were, always to the point and with very little fanfare. So as Ubabe spoke, he scooped another bowl of stew and hurried it down followed by a stroke of his hand through his beard to clean it off. “The dreams are lies...
  7. J'Darak Moghahk

    Open Chronicles Call of the ancients [orcsorcsorcsorcs][orcs]

    Dreams came thick like twilight each night, visions that made complete sense and yet none at all, dreams and visions that reeked of vile magic. Not only did their perversion invade and corrupt but they also stole what was rightfully his. Moghahk would not allow that, an unspeakable travesty upon...
  8. J'Darak Moghahk

    Open Chronicles L-l-l-let's Get Ready to Rumble!

    With very little fanfare, the fur scrap and leather armoured Moghahk entered the arena. His thick, glistening grey leathery skin stretched taut over wide plains of muscle, marred by countless scars and dried blood-caked open wounds of varying depths. The healers had done their best to try and...
  9. J'Darak Moghahk

    Open Chronicles March Upcountry

    The ceaseless, unbroken march of the Taagi Baara Orcs was fueled by necessity, by anger and fear. What had started as several throngs of disorganized rabble had formed into a somewhat presentable column of thousands of men and women, tribes side by side with rivals, all willing to die for the...
  10. J'Darak Moghahk

    Howdy Heyo!

    Welcooooome o/
  11. J'Darak Moghahk

    Open Chronicles March Upcountry

    Hiding one's distaste for another was a difficult task, luckily one Moghahk seemingly had very few issues with doing; his already scrunched face giving off a perpetual scowl that seemed like he hated everything he laid eyes upon. So when the fat, grotesque bag of meat that called itself an 'Orc'...
  12. J'Darak Moghahk

    Open Chronicles March Upcountry

    "Right and wrong matters little when survival matters most." With anger clouded vision, with only the thought of flesh consumed with the bite of axe, the decision was made. In they stormed, muscle and bone, grey flesh and iron ready for the killing, ready to relish in the vengeance they deemed...
  13. J'Darak Moghahk

    Completed The Longhouse at Shadowed Pines

    J'Darak wiped his mouth and nose with the back of a hand, lifting both shoulders in a heavy shrug of indifference. Despite this however, the question the half-giant had posed to him caused some internal conflict in his mind. He was unable to come up with a decisive answer. This would be very...
  14. J'Darak Moghahk

    Open Chronicles The Great Rites

    A faint memory fluttered around the skull of the Black Orc as he trudged across the Savannah towards the expansive Charosh camp, it's tents able to be seen from far off even to the untrained eye, across the flat scrubland and arid dirt. It was a memory of his father and perhaps of his mother, as...
  15. J'Darak Moghahk

    Open Chronicles Infestation | The Spine

    The rain lashed, lightning cut arcing swathes through the night sky, illuminating glistening fur and flesh, blood and mud. Moghahk loved every second of it, the shouts of combat, the clash of blades, the whistle of arrows. He was enraged, an unstoppable force, his axe was his purpose and the...