Recent content by Jana

  1. Jana

    Private Tales To Coat Beauty in Terror

    Patience was a virtue, or so they always told, and usually Jana wasn't the one lacking it. But now, watching how Lord Sirl opened the heavy metal doors, all in matters of few dozens of seconds, which seemed a lot longer, Jana found herself tense with the wait. She had to will herself back into a...
  2. Jana

    Open Chronicles A Town Called Senn

    Jana could feel that her attack had had some sort of effect, yet it didn't seem like it was enough to stop the best. On the contrary, he turned around and the next thing she knew was a corpse hitting her, Jana having understood what is happening only a split second before the impact. It was too...
  3. Jana

    Private Tales To Coat Beauty in Terror

    Jana waited, she waited, breathing steady, body relaxed but ready to spring into action any second now. Would it be magic? Or a blunt, physical attack? Perhaps something else entirely? Whatever it was, Jana would be ready to reflect it, deal with the source of it. And not let anybody step even...
  4. Jana

    Private Tales To Coat Beauty in Terror

    The apprentice seemed to have understood at least most of what she had tried to convey with her words, which was a good thing. Jana had little patience with idiots, especially young ones, who were too arrogant or impatient to learn. Maybe she really wasn't here in the worst company. The silence...
  5. Jana

    Private Tales To Coat Beauty in Terror

    As Lord Sirl left them to be again, soon enough disappearing from her immediate circle of perception, Jana relaxed a bit, if not in body, then mind. Dealing with the members of her House wasn't a particularly easy or pleasant thing to do, even if, for the most part, she had proven herself to be...
  6. Jana

    Private Tales To Coat Beauty in Terror

    She could almost feel the weight of the gaze of the apprentice next to her, but not a muscle in her whole body twitched in any sort of recognition that she had, indeed, noticed the attention directed at her. Blindness came in handy when you had to ignore certain things. As well as that, Jana had...
  7. Jana

    Open Chronicles A Town Called Senn

    Jana's eye's didn't follow the creature's movements, nor did she even tilt her head as he charged, there would have been no point. She was still as blind as ever, but it didn't mean that she was slow. Or less cunning than ever. As the beast made his quick way towards her, the Dreadlord let her...
  8. Jana

    Private Tales To Coat Beauty in Terror

    Central residence of House Sirl of Vel Anir *** They were painting the ceiling above one of the halls in the northern wing of the residence, or, rather, re-painting it because the Lord Sirl had suddenly deemed it atrocious and in need of a complete transformation. Nobody dared to bring up the...
  9. Jana

    Fable - Ask Always Ask for More

    Jana spent the rest of the time till they got to the coast cleaning her staff. Obviously, she didn't see the blood and other dirt on it, the physical part of it barely bothered her, but parts of people recently alive still radiated some energy, and it was distracting. As they got down from the...
  10. Jana

    Completed The games they play

    Jana didn't believe in any deities, nor did she ever pray for anything, especially when faced with a weakly yelping hound of Weiroon, trying to bark where she couldn't bite anymore. She could feel the physical torment she had inflicted, as petty as it was if compared to what a true battle could...
  11. Jana

    Open Chronicles A Town Called Senn

    Jana had made sure to finish off all the urgent business she had here, making a few quick arrangements with the other Dreadlords of the House Sirl here. Arrangements for what they were to do while she went into the pit. Arrangements for what they were to do if she didn't come out. Obviously, she...
  12. Jana

    Open Chronicles A Town Called Senn

    Jana's face barely changed its expression as the beast or its petty master spoke, but there was a gleeful sort of twist deep, deep down her stomach, underneath the thick layer of ice coating all of it. Oh, he wanted a fight? He would get one. "Well, why not," she nodded briefly, "But don't...
  13. Jana

    Open Chronicles A Town Called Senn

    Rarely did any of her business this close to the border, it was always either in the very heart of Vel Anir or weeks worth of travel outside of Anirian lands. Not too surprising altogether. Not many things worth the attention of a Dreadlord happened in outskirts like these. Some scum trying to...
  14. Jana

    Completed The games they play

    It was almost funny to see the little puppy of Weiroon yelp at her like this, trying to get her little fangs out, without much success. Jana took a sweeping step back, avoiding the blade with ease, having almost tasted the intention that set it in motion, although it did make her loose the...
  15. Jana

    Fable - Ask Always Ask for More

    The first two had gone down in traceable, controlled way, but the rest followed under her staff and the touch of her magic like a swarm of annoying but rather harmless flies. Jana was in the moment of the battle the same way she was in the dozens of following ones, stepping away from blades...