Recent content by Ingrid Bohnes

  1. Ingrid Bohnes

    Private Tales Born to Die

    Flat earth gave way to paths, and mounds, and stones of solitude. Ingrid let her fingers drag along the cold faces of the stones as they passed them, names faded and nonexistent. She was remarkably unfazed by the scenery itself, it was the undercurrent of energy that pulled at her. She did her...
  2. Ingrid Bohnes

    Private Tales Born to Die

    They were quiet, and it bothered her not. She followed him, her mind only focused on one foot in front of the other. The sunset was probably quite a site, and maybe once upon a time she would have seen it's beauty. Not anymore, there was nothing beautiful about the world. Not to her. She could...
  3. Ingrid Bohnes

    Fable - Ask Reconnection and Retreat

    Ingrid had come only because she needed to go through the motions. She had to show Solomon that she was no threat, that she was in control. Spending time with Rhenn had changed her, and the relationship she had with her stone. Her internal light was slowly getting snuffed out, she was not the...
  4. Ingrid Bohnes

    Private Tales Born to Die

    Ingrid was exhausted, but she didn't let on just how much it had affected her. Rhenn was no dummy though and was likely very aware of her current weakness. She really couldn't decide if she hated him or was grateful to him. It was like her personality was split in two, but it seemed he received...
  5. Ingrid Bohnes

    Fable - Ask Reconnection and Retreat

    Ingrid felt the warm air brush her ever so gently, and she gave Ayden a quiet smile. He had always treated her with kindness, and that was something she would always hold close to her heart. Even though her stone was driving her away from others, it was still nice to know that there were those...
  6. Ingrid Bohnes

    Fable - Ask An Empty Tomb

    Ingrid was growing impatient, despite the well-meaning of Noi, things were not happening quick enough for her taste. There was too much concern in the Disease guardian to wait on Noi to finish what she had started. Though Ingrid could feel the vibrations manifested by the smaller girl, but she...
  7. Ingrid Bohnes

    Private Tales Born to Die

    Did he enjoy being unsufferable? Was it his goal to be a complete asshole, he wasn't going to get gratification out of, that was for sure. Though, she had been rather prickly herself, so maybe she wasn't helping. The stone playing tricks with the two of them certainly helped fuel her hostility...
  8. Ingrid Bohnes

    Open Chronicles To Create is Divine. (Valenntenia)

    Ingrid did not rush, did not quicken her pace. The work that was here for her, it was not in saving the buried. She could hear Ayden flitting about, yelling for help. She could see Mordred and the suffering he carried on his face. Rovias was a spectacle, and his power was something she'd be...
  9. Ingrid Bohnes

    Private Tales Born to Die

    Some time later. Ingrid woke from her fevered dreams. He skin was coated in sweat and dust from the wooden planks she had fallen on. A grimace crossed her lips, followed by panic as she searched for the stone. She froze, realizing just where it now rested, her eyes narrowing into anger and...
  10. Ingrid Bohnes

    Fable - Ask Reconnection and Retreat

    A retreat wasn't exactly where you would find the carrier of the Stone of Disease. She was hardly welcome anywhere, and a spa was probably one of the worst places the poor girl could be invited to. Still, she was told that to better her abilities, she needed to practice being around others. It...
  11. Ingrid Bohnes

    Private Tales Born to Die

    Ingrid peered into the water, her eyes scanning the depths below. The bobbing of the boat, and the ripples beneath them did little to soothe her anxiety. The stone was sinking its foul claws deeper into her, eating her alive with its malevolent desires. She gripped her face with her hands, as if...
  12. Ingrid Bohnes

    Fable - Ask An Empty Tomb

    The shuffles of the undead did not bother the Disease Guardian, it was a sight she had seen plenty of times. Bloated and rotting corpses, stinking in their rot and infection. The fact that these ones didn't smell was actually quite nice, despite the fact they were walking and potentially...
  13. Ingrid Bohnes

    Private Tales Born to Die

    It was laughing at them, the stone. It was enjoying causing problems, even as its reach tried to grasp at Rhenn. It wanted to control her, control him and it would do anything in its power to make this happen. Murderous thoughts floated behind her eyes, and she closed them as she tried to drown...
  14. Ingrid Bohnes

    Fable - Ask An Empty Tomb

    Her stone had been whispering to her the entire time, enticing with honeyed words. She was used to its chittering and shut it out for now while she tried to concentrate. The stone was an opportunist, and it still talked of Rhenn, its focus was on him currently and it irritated her. Was she not...
  15. Ingrid Bohnes

    Open Chronicles To Create is Divine. (Valenntenia)

    Regrettably, Ingrid had been kept close to home as of late. This meant that she had the utter joy to accept every mission that Solomon threw at the Guardians. It was more practice for the things she and Rhenn had been working on, it was good for her. She could almost feel Solomon's eyes burning...