Recent content by Ilion

  1. Ilion

    Aeraesar Elven Eyes Only See So Much

    He hummed in reply, nodding along with it. She was certainly her father's daughter, wise despite her youth. He smiled as his eyes fell for a moment in contemplation, a hopeful thought crossing his mind. To see a future even greater than what had passed... now that would be something. Then too...
  2. Ilion

    Aeraesar Elven Eyes Only See So Much

    "Most of the creatures of this land were quite remarkable... to be honest with you, it is fortunate that they fled. If they had been corrupted by the dark magics of our enemy... then who knows what might have been." The creatures that had inhabited these lands in those days were indeed, quite...
  3. Ilion

    Aeraesar Elven Eyes Only See So Much

    He offered his own, uncharacteristically light laugh, "I'm not sure that will ever change." If Anárion was anything, he was stubborn, be it on the battlefield or in life - he had his way. There was something to be said about it, of course, but having been one of those under his command and...
  4. Ilion

    Aeraesar Elven Eyes Only See So Much

    "I have long admired Anárion," Ilion admitted as his eyes tracked off across their surround. The distant pitter pattering of the Gwathui packs seemed to fade away, and the dread that fell over the land with their presence also diminished as they walked on. He hid his relief, but was glad to so...
  5. Ilion

    Aeraesar Elven Eyes Only See So Much

    There was of course more, a great deal more, that he wished to reply with in protest. There was so much more to it than simply forbidding one from running too far from home. But as she shared with him her point of view, he supposed he could in some ways begin to appreciate it. It was not as...
  6. Ilion

    Aeraesar Elven Eyes Only See So Much

    "Absolutely not!" he retorted. His tone was far from the careful inflections of those such as Erën, Tinúviel, or Anárion. There was much youth that burned in his blood still, and the daggers that were his eyes showed this all too clearly. They were poised upon her, all while he stood from his...
  7. Ilion

    Aeraesar Elven Eyes Only See So Much

    And indeed, he would have been proud of such a commanding demeanour. This much of Anárion, he did know. But also too, what he knew, is that Anárion had trusted him beyond any level of measure to have tasked him with a responsibility such as this. His methods, however questionable, had proven...
  8. Ilion

    Aeraesar Elven Eyes Only See So Much

    It had taken no more than an instant of levity, the subtlest lessening of his mind's guarding - little more than a breath amidst the wind. But it called to them. Even Ilion became perturbed. They had drawn unto them far faster than he had anticipated, but as the rumbling sound of the Gwathui...
  9. Ilion

    Aeraesar Elven Eyes Only See So Much

    Speed alone was far from his friend in this chase. There would be no catching her, not like this. She would outlast him, and he'd fall embarrassingly behind in but a short while. But he was far from the youthful spirit he stalked. Her confidence, though admirable, was misplaced. He'd known these...
  10. Ilion

    Aeraesar Elven Eyes Only See So Much

    He heard it first, and his hand was upon the hilt of his sword when the arrow struck, his back still to his attacker. Too slow. And yet there he lingered and not another shot came, or at least not of the same measure. But as he turned to see, his eyes nearly missed her, swift as she was. But...
  11. Ilion

    Aeraesar Elven Eyes Only See So Much

    Though larger and broader than most his brethren, he was nearly as swift as any of them. Perhaps not as nimble, or agile, but he could cover ground quickly, and he could do so quietly when needed. But the likes of he was not quick enough to keep up with whom he sought it seemed. From what he...
  12. Ilion

    Roleplay OOC War in Aeraesar | The War Board

    Ilion will go to defend Sindrost.
  13. Ilion

    Open Chronicles Death's Bitter Symphony

    For a moment he was awestruck, almost dumbfounded by the Avariel's sudden and hasty appearance. She moved with a grace unlike any elf he'd ever met, and the strength she employed rivaled that of no doubt even the likes of Phyrra, or perhaps even Te'leis, or Erën. She was magnificent. But he...
  14. Ilion

    Open Chronicles Death's Bitter Symphony

    The allied reinforcements crashed against the dark army like the waves of a harsh storm against a battered shore. But as stalwart as the Aerai and their allies were, the monsters were not so easily vanquished. Hopes of a swooping victory were quelled, but the advantage remained in their hands...
  15. Ilion

    Open Chronicles Death's Bitter Symphony

    As the flag went down, rising with the wings of the Avariel, the sound of many horns followed. With the dark host of Sindrost drawn out into the open, riders of a much greater number descended on the city. Where the vanguard force had been horribly overwhelmed, their numbers were much more...