Recent content by Ihaka Nikau

  1. Ihaka Nikau

    Completed [Phorasmos] To Wake in the Night

    When at last Omen departed Haka felt as though a great crushing weight was lifted from the whole of his body. In Omen's presence the charge of being a Mourner felt unbearable. Haka feared that never could he so much as aspire to the deeds of his father. Oh Papa! Your son Ihaka! He cries out for...
  2. Ihaka Nikau

    Completed [Phorasmos] To Wake in the Night

    Obelus. The very name of that accursed city at the heart of Phorasmos by Omen filled Ihaka with an inexorable dread, despite the warm calm being radiated by his Ghost Mail in effort to assuage his torment. His father struck deep into Obelus with a host of other Mourners on the Day of Days, and...
  3. Ihaka Nikau

    Completed [Phorasmos] To Wake in the Night

    Iruna down. Haka and Tristan and Aeris alike stunned each in their own measure by what they beheld. And as the man (for Haka knew not what else to call him, for he had the likeness of such even if in truth he might not be) descended from his unseen perch and exercised command and power over the...
  4. Ihaka Nikau

    Completed [Phorasmos] To Wake in the Night

    "I'm at your back, paompa!" Together they sped off, Haka and Tristan. Now that work of Requiem weapons was done, Master Ensis could work on the ward. Two of the Revenants had gotten away, as Iruna said, but they had taken flight, retreating from the ward as fast as could be despite the ward's...
  5. Ihaka Nikau

    Completed [Phorasmos] To Wake in the Night

    Snapping jaws lunged at Haka's helm. He rolled his head to the left. To the right. The wolf's maw missed twice. It made to snap at him again, the very bones within its jaw creaking and snapping as its mouth stretched open to a gaping, snarling, salivating width that it just barely should not...
  6. Ihaka Nikau

    Open Chronicles Forty Fathoms Deep

    As Haka whirled around, intent on rushing upon the vampire he'd wounded, he saw instead a deckhand of the Courier hurry to it. Cutlass in hand the deckhand cut off the beastie's head. Haka grinned. But this went unseen behind his helmet, of course. So he flashed the deckhand a quick thumbs-up...
  7. Ihaka Nikau

    Completed [Phorasmos] To Wake in the Night

    Even through the staff's handle and his own armor Haka felt in his hands the tactile sensation of the wolf's neck parting under the cleaving blade. Barely a feral yelp had escaped its throat. Haka wrenched his weapon from his prey with a curt upward jerk, freeing it, and he kicked the body away...
  8. Ihaka Nikau

    Open Chronicles Forty Fathoms Deep

    Vulpesen's new assessment of certainty came right along with Kristopher shouting the name of the foe they all faced. Vampires. "Hm. Maybe we leave the red wine alone then," said Haka of the imagined plunder he and Vulpesen had fancied. Now, though he'd not seen of their kind before this...
  9. Ihaka Nikau

    Completed [Phorasmos] To Wake in the Night

    ...if there really are Revenants inside these things... Haka gazed at Tristan in wonder. That was a good point, the Revs inside the bodies being forced to flee. Oohhhhh, but what if they were to encounter some Possessed out in the wild sometime? Away from a warding monument? Now that would be...
  10. Ihaka Nikau

    Open Chronicles Forty Fathoms Deep

    "Rum! Fine red wine!" Haka let out a deep and genial belly laugh in response to Vulpesen's suggestions of the possible "gifts" the other ship might contain. Rich prizes, perhaps, for what may come! With a hearty bump of a fist on Vulpesen's shoulder, Haka proclaimed, "That's the spirit...
  11. Ihaka Nikau

    Open Chronicles Forty Fathoms Deep

    A Mourner outside of Malakath was a rare sight, but not one so rare in present times as to give pause to those who beheld them. Since the discovery of Malakath by the wider world of Liadain and Epressa the prowess of the Mourners for dealing with the myriad troubles of the undead became known...
  12. Ihaka Nikau

    Completed [Phorasmos] To Wake in the Night

    The scout group encountered something very strange. And that, ilani, was a bold statement indeed upon the isle of Phorasmos. Haka squinted more out of incredulousness than for any benefit to his sight. As Tristan speculated and Aeris asked the tactical question, Haka had come up alongside them...
  13. Ihaka Nikau

    Completed [Phorasmos] To Wake in the Night

    Two stories! Two whole stories, meant to scare the up-and-coming neophyte Arlen! But Arlen had a heart of finest hewn stone and molten lava for blood, and he was as modest as he was unshakeable! Iruna and Aeris had each in their turn set their whetstones to sharpening his wisdom, and Tristan was...
  14. Ihaka Nikau