Recent content by Hieronymus Pangloss

  1. Hieronymus Pangloss

    Private Tales Home Is Where The Heart Is

    Hieron squint at the prospect of sifting through all of the misremembered arcana. Relics and artifacts so carelessly tossed away. That all of them were even stable. Well. That was a question he would rather not find the answer to himself, if he could help it. "Perhaps an aspiring young...
  2. Hieronymus Pangloss

    Private Tales Home Is Where The Heart Is

    "A fair assessment," Hieron added with have small knock of a laugh. "Especially after our little stint with the Foard," it was not the first time he had angered those old codgers. Nor would it be the last. "But, all the less likely, given your gifts, hmm?" he assured with a wink and a smile...
  3. Hieronymus Pangloss

    Private Tales Home Is Where The Heart Is

    A thoughtful sound hummed out of Hieron's throat. "Secrets folded onto mysteries," he said as he recalled the door that kept hidden the timeless' scholar's trove. He would agree with a nod, and follow the younger scholar out the door. Through the halls, down the flights of stairs in relative...
  4. Hieronymus Pangloss

    Private Tales Home Is Where The Heart Is

    Hieron's eyes widened as the piece of parchment was plucked away. His head, a quick shake too and fro, as if he had been startled to sudden realization. "Veliata's lab?" he repeated as his brows knit together like gathering stormclouds, and his whiskers bobbed with a happy bit of mischief. "Even...
  5. Hieronymus Pangloss

    Private Tales Home Is Where The Heart Is

    Hieron's lips curled with a playful pleasure. Like an old cat, come see a new bit of bright wire, left as scrap to bat around. "Sanity," he said in a tone that seemed to measure the word. "A word rarely used to describe the depths explored by our ilk," his mind continued to ruminate on the...
  6. Hieronymus Pangloss

    Private Tales Home Is Where The Heart Is

    A string of shimmering ink traced across the air, Hieron's eyes fixed on it as his lips pursed, and his mind stormed with thought. The string gathered up before him, suspended. It fattened as it gathered upon itself. Spread thin once more as it formed symbols. Seals. Elven letters that looked...
  7. Hieronymus Pangloss

    Open Chronicles The Great Elbion Giftmas Shopping Bazaar

    Hieron looked to Wayne and gave him a little shooing motion, along with a playful curl of the lips . The acclaimed Phoenix could manage, the old Maester was sure of it. Come Erren, and a curious twinkle shined in the old wizard's eye. The daring adventurer vs the reluctant agent of fate. Two...
  8. Hieronymus Pangloss

    Open Chronicles The Great Elbion Giftmas Shopping Bazaar

    Elbion's Open Enrollment "Well, if you would look at all these fresh new faces," Hieron's Hat, Herold, flapped the folds that made up its mouth to say. "Raggamuffins, destitutes, nobodies!" the cantankerous old garment spat out. Hieron himself, sat upon a cushioned stool, puffing at his...
  9. Hieronymus Pangloss

    Private Tales Home Is Where The Heart Is

    Hieron gave a nod, mustache bobbed up at its ends as his brow wrinkled, pleased that Erren would accept the gift, despite his misgivings. Never having had his own children, Hieron knew little of the troubles and considerations that came with rearing such a new being in their world. His...
  10. Hieronymus Pangloss

    Private Tales Home Is Where The Heart Is

    A laugh, hooty and every bit an old man's. "No, not without a bit of unnecessary grumbling, and groaning," he joked. "Such is the price for the ideas like process and fairness." A patient nod as Erren announced his needings to do. "Of course," Hieron agreed. "Give young Zak my love, and," he...
  11. Hieronymus Pangloss

    Private Tales Home Is Where The Heart Is

    "After seeing so many Lonaris speeches," he shrugged with a smirk. "Only so much an old wizard can do, really" Animated calls for order rang out across the hall. Claps of magic spell sounded out loud as hammer blow. The terms decided. A report, every other week. The doors shut behind the pair...
  12. Hieronymus Pangloss

    Fate - First Reply Dead and Alive

    The old Maester made a surprised sound at the young scholar's forwardness, and forthright nature. It was not every day one met a young mind, so hungry for enrichment. "You would be surprised, young Teak," he said with a little laugh, still strolling easily through the library. Pointed his...
  13. Hieronymus Pangloss

    Private Tales Home Is Where The Heart Is

    The old heads of the Foard weighed the new information put before them. "Yes, that seems like a most fair arrangement," Maester Ezard added. "I motion that Scholar Serris' amendment be adopted, and, when the Foard's committee meets to review Scholar Serris' and Maester Pangloss' findings, the...
  14. Hieronymus Pangloss

    Fate - First Reply Dead and Alive

    "Oh," Hieron sounded surprised. "My mistake, Razputin it is," he admitted. A slight bow of his head, admittance and apology for the mistake. A little chuckle came soon after as they stepped on, upon hearing his name spoken. "Couldn't say I was a fan of it at your age," he puffed his cheeks, and...
  15. Hieronymus Pangloss

    Fate - First Reply Dead and Alive

    Hieron gave a slight nod. "Rasputin D. Teak, a fine name, for an aspiring scholar of the magical and mysterious," he looked to those gheists that kept him company. For such a young man, to be gifted in such a way. It was a miracle the boy had made it so far as Elbion. The old wizard caught...