Recent content by Hanoi

  1. Hanoi

    Open Chronicles Heart & Hearth Day - 2025

    Kristen, I thank you once again for accompanying me on my travels, and for clearing my name in Vel Anir, I was finally able to see my parent's grave once more. Who knew that there would be good Dreadlords after all? You have a special place in this cynical old heart of mine, which is saying a...
  2. Hanoi

    Fate - First Reply Long Road Home

    "I appreciate it, thank you". She replied with a quiet demeanor, one that she had not used in quite a while, possibly letting her guard down from her usual self in front of strangers. The moon was up high now. It was late, though not unusual for her given her line of work. But, she was getting a...
  3. Hanoi

    Fate - First Reply Long Road Home

    “Well…” she had to think about it for a minute. She hasn’t been to her homeland in years. She figured some time has passed between her being a wanted thief and her living her life across the land. She had lived the life of a wandering nomad, so she would figure that she wouldn’t call Vel Amir...
  4. Hanoi

    Fate - First Reply Long Road Home

    Hanoi sighs. She does not press the matter further. But, she might be interested in getting it with some of those active guardsmen, though she was unsure how to approach the fact that she too stole from the Great Houses and di d not want to mention it, if the Dreadlords are still hunting her...
  5. Hanoi

    Fate - First Reply Long Road Home

    "Oh, it's nothing really. Reminded me of my youth, on the streets of Vel Anir". She doesn't say much to strangers of her own past, but she was compelled by what she figured was a fellow Anirian. She had a very serious tone to it too, unlike the seductiveness she was showing a few minutes ago...
  6. Hanoi

    Fate - First Reply Long Road Home

    "Oh, that's too bad" still speaking in her erausing manner. "You'd seem like my type to me,". She sighed, hoping that she'd at least give her something for her troubles. She of course wouldn't care less, but it was always nice if a declining customer gave her something. She was questioned of her...
  7. Hanoi

    Fate - First Reply Long Road Home

    "They call me Hanoi," she says proudly. She was on her travels again from the slums of Alliria. This time, on horseback since she had the money to afford such a luxury for her. She of course was not properly dressed for such a chilly evening, wearing thin and revealing clothing and bare feet...
  8. Hanoi

    Open Chronicles Live Together

    Back on her travels, Hanoi arrives at the gates of Sharydraes. The exotic dancer and “companion” had travelled around for many miles for a chance to make good coin from entertaining the locals. She heard from travelers around the area at taverns and inns that a war raged throughout the land...
  9. Hanoi

    Private Tales See how the Fates Their Gifts Allot

    Hanoi seems to have made herself comfy in the Shallows and its tavern. She made some good money from all the dancing (and providing “companionship” to any willing customer that pays her well) she has done throughout her stay. Each new beating of the drum, she has been able to move to its new...
  10. Hanoi

    Open Chronicles Verchtegid Medicaments and Wellbeing

    “Oh, a musician I see?” Hanoi replies as she tosses the 10 silver coins she had into the tray. “Perhaps we will see each other, and you can accompany me and see me dance my way into the hearts, and beds, of good strong men, or women. I don’t really care. As long as they pay well, I’ll show them...
  11. Hanoi

    Open Chronicles Verchtegid Medicaments and Wellbeing

    "Thank you very much, no doubt this will be very useful tonight". She takes a good look at all the other items that Aderyn prescribed to her, the talisman and the twists were interestingly new, and hoped it would help her in her line of work, especially in the morning after. As Hanoi picked up...
  12. Hanoi

    Open Chronicles Verchtegid Medicaments and Wellbeing

    “I’m afraid I don’t remember the name of the plant, but what I remember, this is a very common herb from Vel Anir, it increases stamina, mixed with some liquor to relieve the bitterness it brings. The other one is a mixture of water and wild berries, bought from a traveling merchant. I’m sorry...
  13. Hanoi

    Open Chronicles Verchtegid Medicaments and Wellbeing

    Amidst her travels, Hanoi, in her purple, revealing, silk clothing, finds herself in the Shallows of Alliria. It was not the cleanest town, so many filthy beggars and urchins just running about, it made her sick. But she was here now, and she should start picking up work right now, dancing and...
  14. Hanoi

    LFG New Character, In Search of a RP

    I might take you up on that offer, she might probably be in search of some potion or other to boost her stamina (on her feet or in bed) or to protect her body.
  15. Hanoi

    LFG New Character, In Search of a RP

    Hey guys, new character, long time roleplayer. I created a new dancer-courtesan character that I want to start roleplaying with. If there is a street or tavern RP in need of some mild content, I'd like to join or get together to begin a RP. I asked around in the Discord server, but thought I...