Recent content by Gryphtaur

  1. Gryphtaur

    LFG Of Broken Swords and Shattered Shields

    Ah. Doesn't seem very likely then. Twas merely an idea. I may still find some way to incorporate the Lordly Lion at some point in the future. Or any other whacky creation I end up forging heheh
  2. Gryphtaur

    LFG Of Broken Swords and Shattered Shields

    Apparently he might be a tad too powerful and is currently under investigation by the moderators. Incorporating him into the lore could be tricky anyways. In regards to the Kodan army; I can't say I know anything about that faction nor could I really find anything. But Archon is the "burn the...
  3. Gryphtaur

    LFG Of Broken Swords and Shattered Shields

    I think I've incorporated Tharr properly. Definitely let me know otherwise. Also, I've been thinking of a way to involve my newest creation into the mix. Archontikos would serve as great opposition, though it may be a bit nuanced given the type of character he is. I'm open to any and all...
  4. Archontikos

  5. Gryphtaur

    LFG Of Broken Swords and Shattered Shields

    Hello there! Now isn't that somewhat of a familiar face. I've been looking to get back into hobbies and such, so plunging my character into the heart of an intense battlefield sounds like a perfect chance to do so. May I partake? My Tharraleos will have no objections laying waste to those who...
  6. Gryphtaur

    Open Chronicles Striking Out

    East, huh? Tharraleos brought a paw to the underside of his beak and pondered for a moment. He could recall numerous locations from differing regions from that direction, but it was primarily isolated instances. Traveling by air had it's conveniences for sure, though oftentimes there's alot that...
  7. Gryphtaur

    Open Chronicles Striking Out

    For such a large and foreboding figure, Tharraleos appeared to be rather docile. Lethargic and apathetic even. He seemed content with allowing the conversation to primarily flow between the other two. A beast of action, he really only piped up when he deemed necessary. This was more a testament...
  8. Gryphtaur

    Open Chronicles Striking Out

    Tharraleos watched the interaction taking place before him. He couldn't help but let out a subtle smirk at Dauner's noticeably heightened formalities when speaking with the female. Suppose she was attractive as far as humanoids go and there was an heir of exciting mystery about her, so he wasn't...
  9. Gryphtaur

    Open Chronicles Striking Out

    Tharraleos continued to study the man with laser focused precision. Very seldom did his eyelids sweep upwards to blink. Upon seeing his cordial mannerisms and lessening of the intensity, the beast would give a grin of his own, albeit a rather awkward one with his sharp angled beak. He'd close...
  10. Gryphtaur

    Open Chronicles Striking Out

    Tharraleos broke the eye contact momentarily as he glanced slightly off to the side as if digesting the man's words. He always did fare just well on his own, but every now and then he wasn't opposed to companionship. Having his own thoughts being the only thing to keep him occupied does tend to...
  11. Gryphtaur

    Open Chronicles Striking Out

    The Tauric beast seemed to be lost in his own thoughts; reflecting on his most recent adventures. Something odd happened, however, that not only snapped him from his trance, but caused him to come to an abrupt halt. It sounded as if a voice that he never heard before was speaking inside his...
  12. Gryphtaur

    Open Chronicles Striking Out

    Frontal talons and rear paws carried a rather peculiar creature through the streets of Alliria. In a manner similar to that of a Centaur, 2 semi-autonomous bodies made up its frame. Unlike the half man half beast, however, this one was fully animalistic. With an amalgamation of feline and...
  13. Gryphtaur

    Open Chronicles The Hunt

    (I try not to go over 3 days without replying personally. And I'm in PST, although I'm prone to posting at random times lol. Tharraleos blinked hard a few times as if baffled by the man's response. He seemed primitive, sure, but perhaps it was underestimated. The great beast lowered his...
  14. Gryphtaur

    Open Chronicles The Hunt

    (Pardon the delay there. Been a lil braindead from work lol.) It took a moment for Tharr to notice the human above him. His rigid stare narrowed at the caramel colored man with unblinking intensity. Most mere mortals crumbled at his gaze, but this one was different. He was nearly as animalistic...
  15. Gryphtaur

    Open Chronicles The Hunt

    The mutant Allasson Griffin stood his ground as he continued to survey. From what he could surmise, his assumptions turned out to be correct. Whoever this was had some impressive maneuverability and even with Tharr's potent processing power, he couldn't quite pinpoint an exact location. A semi...